A simple parser for CSS like calc
expressions. It provides a simple TLD
for combining different units together.
expressions in CSS are very powerful to allow people to build UIs
without having to manually convert units.
CSS is not everywhere, calc()
allows you to add a similar behaviour in other
libraries (one to build powerpoint
presentations for instance).
calcUnits(calExpr: string, unitConverter: (s: string) => number)
import calcUnits from `calc-units`
const convertDistancesInMeters = d => {
if (/^(\d|\.+)m$/.test(d)) {
return parseFloat(d);
if (/^(\d|\.+)cm$/.test(d)) {
return 0.01 * parseFloat(d);
if (/^(\d|\.+)mm$/.test(d)) {
return 0.001 * parseFloat(d);
if (/^(\d|\.+)km$/.test(d)) {
return 1000 * parseFloat(d);
if (/^(\d|\.+)in$/.test(d)) {
return parseFloat(d) / 39.37;
if (/^(\d|\.+)ft$/.test(d)) {
return parseFloat(d) / 3.281;
if (/^(\d|\.+)mi$/.test(d)) {
return parseFloat(d) * 1609.34;
if (/^(\d|\.+)yd$/.test(d)) {
return parseFloat(d) / 1.094;
calcUnits("calc(3cm + 3m)", convertDistancesInMeters)
// 3.03
calcUnits("calc(20 * (3cm + 3in))", convertDistancesInMeters)
// 2.124003048006096