- Mountain View, CA
Micro second messaging that stores everything to disk
sguo / pig-vector
Forked from tdunning/pig-vectorMahout vector encoding for pig
sguo / sensei
Forked from senseidb/senseidistributed realtime searchable database
sguo / datafu
Forked from LinkedInAttic/datafuHadoop library for large-scale data processing
sguo / coweb
Forked from opencoweb/cowebOpen Cooperative Web Framework
sguo / OpenCV-Android
Forked from billmccord/OpenCV-AndroidA project for porting and optimizing OpenCV for Google's Android OS
sguo / nessDB
Forked from BohuTANG/nessDBA very fast key-value,embedded Database Storage Engine (Using log-structured-merge (LSM) trees) with Level-LRU, Bloom-Filter,and supports Redis-Protocol(PING,SET,MSET,GET,MGET,DEL,EXISTS,INFO,SHUTD…
sguo / play-cookbook
Forked from spinscale/play-cookbookSource code for most of the recipes featured in the play framework cookbook
A simple, asynchronous, single-threaded memcached client written in java.
sguo / chartsy
Forked from chartsy/chartsyMirror of the Chartsy - an open source stock charting, screening, and trading platform built on the NetBeans Platform.
sguo / cleo-primer
Forked from jingwei/cleo-primerA restful web application for real-time typeahead and autocomplete
A restful web application for real-time typeahead and autocomplete
sguo / jekyll
Forked from jekyll/jekyllJekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
sguo / kamikaze
Forked from hyan/kamikazeDocId set compression and set operation library
senseidb / sensei
Forked from LinkedInAttic/senseidistributed realtime searchable database
sguo / metrics
Forked from dropwizard/metricsCapturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.
sguo / monitor-core
Forked from ganglia/monitor-coreGanglia Monitoring core
Hadoop library for large-scale data processing, now an Apache Incubator project
sguo / DirectMemory
Forked from raffaeleguidi/DirectMemoryDirectMemory is a cache implementation featuring off-heap memory storage (a-la BigMemory) to enable caching of large (or large numbers of) objects without degrading jvm performance. Its main purpos…
sguo / elasticsearch
Forked from elastic/elasticsearchOpen Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Source code for most of the recipes featured in the play framework cookbook
Mirror of the Chartsy - an open source stock charting, screening, and trading platform built on the NetBeans Platform.
BitTorrent Java library with tracker and download client