A hot zone generation tool for VUE3 + TS projects 中文文档
yarn add hotspot-vue3
# or
npm install hotspot-vue3 --save
- Introduced in the business component file
import Hotspot from "hotspot-vue3";
- In your business code, use it as a normal component
<div class="hotapp">
isShowSign: true,
isShowDelete: true,
isOverlap: false,
isShowActive: true
<!-- <template #sign="{ zone, index }">
{{ zone }}
{{ index }}
<template #delete="{ index }">
{{ index }}
</template> -->
<div class="hotapp__display">
<button type="primary" @click="handleAdd">Add hot spots</button>
v-for="(zone, index) in zones"
:placeholder="`Area ${index + 1} url`"
<script lang="ts">
import { Options, Vue } from "vue-class-component";
import Hotspot from "hotspot-vue3";
type MoreUrl = {
[key in string | number]: string;
interface ZoneType {
topPer: number;
leftPer: number;
widthPer: number;
heightPer: number;
url?: string | MoreUrl;
active?: boolean;
key?: string;
components: {
export default class App extends Vue {
// image url
image =
zones = [] as ZoneType[];
types = "move";
handleAdd(zon: ZoneType) {
let zone: ZoneType;
if (zon.topPer) {
// If this parameter exists, drag to create a hot zone
zone = zon;
zone.url = "https://github.com";
this.types = "move"; // When Max hot zones exist, verify by dragging or clicking to Max
} else {
// Create hot zones with buttons
zone = {
heightPer: 0.2027, //20.27%
leftPer: 0.2027,
topPer: 0.2027,
widthPer: 0.1027,
url: "https://github.com",
key: String(Math.random())
} as ZoneType;
this.types = "btn"; // When Max hot zones exist, verify by dragging or clicking to Max
this.zones.push(zone); // Hotspot data
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.hotapp {
font-family: Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
min-height: 555px;
min-width: 1000px;
&__display {
margin-top: 24px;
> input {
margin-left: 10px;
As shown in the sample code, import this component directly, and control all other functions through properties.
Here's what each property means:
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
image | Url address of heat base map | String | ||
zonesInit | Hot zone content, in array form | Array | topPer、leftPer、widthPer、heightPer、url、active、key | |
max | That is, the maximum number of displays in the current hot zone. If you do not set this parameter, it can be added indefinitely | Number | ||
types | The way to add hot areas | String | move: Generated by dragging the mouse, btn: Generated by custom button click | |
switchOptions | Hot zone switch properties | Object | isShowSign、isShowDelete、isOverlap、isShowActive | |
styleOptions | Hot zones display some color value properties | Object | zoneBorderColor、zoneBgColor、zoneActiveBgColor |
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
topPer | Distance from the top as a percentage of the total area | Number | ||
leftPer | Distance to the left as a percentage of the total area | Number | ||
widthPer | Percentage of hot zone width in total area | Number | ||
heightPer | Percentage of hot zone height to total area | Number | ||
url | Hot area link address, you can define your own object to save more parameters | String / any | ||
active | Hot zone activation state | Boolean / undefined | false / undefined | |
key | Hot zone key, used for unique identification | String | Math.random() |
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
isShowSign | Whether to display hot zone signs | Boolean | true | |
isShowDelete | Whether to display the hot zone deletion sign | Boolean | true | |
isOverlap | Whether coverage is allowed between hot zones | Boolean | false | |
isShowActive | Click the hot zone to see if the active status is displayed | Boolean | true |
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
zoneBorderColor | Hot zone border color | String | #507bfb | |
zoneBgColor | Hot area background color | String | rgba(80, 123, 251, 0.1) | |
zoneActiveBgColor | Hot zone background color in active state. This color takes effect only when isShowActive is true | String | rgba(80, 123, 251, 0.4) |
At this point, all the ways to use the plug-in are covered.
This plugin only supports vue3.x projects...
For more information about the source of the plugin, please visit the GitHub plugin repository:hotspot-vue3