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Starred repositories
Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first.
By scanning CI/CD misconfigurations, Allero helps reduce production issues, harden your security posture and shift-left CI/CD from DevOps to developers.
Israeli companies which create Open Source projects
finds publicly known security vulnerabilities in a website's frontend JavaScript libraries
🎖safely* install packages with npm or yarn by auditing them as part of your install process
Awesome NestJS Boilerplate 😍, Typescript 💪, Postgres 🎉, TypeORM 🥳
Amplication brings order to the chaos of large-scale software development by creating Golden Paths for developers - streamlined workflows that drive consistency, enable high-quality code practices,…
A custom employee management system, was developed for a 'pas' company to efficiently handle employee productions and effectively manage project expenses.
MERN stack application. Build your own business card.
A curated list of Israeli-made projects, events, and individuals
a node internal (in-memory) caching module
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
A simple proxy that scans for SQL injection attacks and blocks suspicious requests.
A python program I had to make during a course.