Quick Overview
It is a multi-story parking lot management system implementing OOP concepts, Data Structures and basic design patterns in it. In this different types of vehicles can be parked at different floor by automatic ticketing system without any human intervention.
Parking Lot Details
1.To RUN the application directly
(a).Goto Parking Lot->bin->Debug->Parking_Lot.exe.
2.To EXECUTE the application on IDE :
(a).Configuration Details:
1.Open Project in CodeBlocks IDE.
2.Please Find "Parking_Lot.cbp"(Project File) inside Paking_Lot Folder.
3.Open that file in CodeBlocks IDE.
4.Configure Compiler setting to C++11 before running the code.
5.To configure Compiler Setting :
a.Goto to Setting then Select Compiler.
b.Inside Global Compiler Setting Select std::C++11.
(b).Source Code Details
1.First you have to setup the Parking Lot Area.
2.Then Menu List will open.
3.Vehicle_Entry and Vehicle_Exit is for client purpose
4.Show function is used for managerial purpose.
(C).Things To Be DONE
1.Validation for the unique generated Code in not Written. So, it is a request that NOT to enter INVALID code it would result unknown output.