This is an indexer for C and C++ based on the libclang library.
There are several parts to it:
- The clic_add, clic_rm, clic_clear utilities for updating a database of symbols
- The bash script, which runs the aformentioned utilities as required when the sources change
- A Vim plugin, hosted at, which let's the user query the database for references to the symbol under the cursor in Vim.
For further instructions, please consult this blog post:
On Ubuntu 13.10:
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libdb++-dev
cd clang_indexer
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
Please note that this is an early stage of a little project that I've been doing just to make my own life easier. It has very sharp edges and I haven't really invested much effort in making it easy to use. Use at your own peril, it will destroy your code, format your hard drive, eat your children, etc.