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Tags: shangdim/fpga-drive-aximm-pcie



Toggle v2018.2_1's commit message
* fixed linker script issue for Zynq designs

* updated SDK readme


Toggle v2018.2's commit message
* added dos2unix instructions


Toggle v2017.3's commit message
Fix: petalinux build script now runs petalinux-config after transferr…

…ing config files - this makes sure that the rootfs_config file is registered by the tools


Toggle v2017.2's commit message
added more info on PicoZed FMC clock configuration


Toggle v2017.1's commit message
added local driver for the PCIe Gen3 core based on driver for the Gen…

…2 core

added SDK applications for the Gen3 designs
modified SDK applications for more comprehensible output
simplified the KCU105 LPC design
BUG FIX: Gen3 designs now set the BASEADDR and HIGHADDR properties of the axi_pcie3 block because Vivado is not propagating them correctly from the address configuration, see
appended "_pcie" to the names of the KCU105 designs for compatibility with the SDK build script


Toggle v2016.4's commit message
KCU105 design: removed CDMA, simplified design, corrected issue with …

…4-lane Gen3 link-up (see notes in the block diagram .tcl file)


Toggle v2016.3's commit message
README cleanup


Toggle v2016.2's commit message
Set sfp_mgt_clk_sel[1:0] to 10 to route HPC FMC clock as described on…

… page 28 of AC701 user guide UG952


Toggle v2016.1's commit message
updated to Vivado 2016.1

removed IP versions and Vivado version check from block diagram tcl


Toggle v2015.4's commit message
first commit of PZ 7015-LPC, PZ 7015 and ZC706-HPC designs