如何在本地run app:
- 打开UI文件夹
cd web-ui
- 安装dependencies:
nvm use
(use the required node version)npm install
- Run on your local:
npm run dev
➜ Local: http://localhost:5174/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help
- Go to http://localhost:5174/ to see the app running
- pull repo到本地,新建branch,修改code
npm run build
npm run preview
-> 在本地查看&测试npm run deploy
-> 部署到github pages (在这里查看https://github.com/shanghai-rits/global-show-tell/actions)- 打开网站查看更新 https://github.com/shanghai-rits/global-show-tell/settings/pages Your site is live at https://nyuglobal.show/
- commit, create PR -> push 代码