oXygen XML Editor framework for NISO JATS 1.0 / NLM BITS
NISO JATS Z39.96-2012 defines an XML-based format for the authoring, publication and archiving of journal articles and related information. Its design is based on the NLM Journal Archiving and Publishing DTDs through version 3.0.
This oXygen framework supports editing JATS articles along with books conformant to the specifications of BITS 0.2, the JATS-based NLM book tag set (in draft, November 2012). Included are DTDs optimized with documentation for display in oXygen, CSS files for authoring, document templates, and XSLT stylesheets for production of HTML and PDF (preview) outputs.
See the project wiki at https://github.com/wendellpiez/oXygenJATSframework/wiki for installation instructions.
Wendell Piez (http://www.wendellpiez.com), November 2012