UniNet is a scalable system for random-walk based network representation learning (NRL) and supports to learn node embedding over billion-edge networks. It applies an efficient edge sampler based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling technique. With the help of the new edge sampler, it unifies random walk based NRL models by exposing two APIs.
In UniNet, we have implemented five NRL models, deepwalk, node2vec, metapath2vec, edge2vec, and fairwalk.
First clone the repo with
git clone https://github.com/shaoyx/UniNet.git
Then compile with
cd UniNet
The above process generates 2 executable files, namely uninet
and gen
, where the latter is used for dataset pre-processing.
UniNet accepts CSR formatted network as input. The toolkit gen
can convert text based edgelist network to CSR formatted network in binary. The format of the input edge list file is as follows, where one line corresponds to one edge.
5988 2048
5988 1542
5988 5138
5988 3607
5988 4125
./gen -input data/blogcatalog_edge.txt -output data/blogcatalog.bin
Full Options
-weighted Generate network with edge weights.
-rand-w Assign random weight for edges in range
(0, 1).
-hetro Generate heterogeneous network file.
If `--node-type` is not provided, assign
random node types in range [1, 5].
-node-type File containing node type information.
We use deepwalk as an example.
./uninet -train -deepwalk -input data/blogcatalog.bin -output blogcatalog.emb
According to the above command, UniNet executes end-to-end training process and generates vector representation for network nodes. The output embedding file is formatted as the default setting for gensim.word2vec
General Settings
Executes the training process for generating embedding, otherwise only executes random walk process.-input
Input CSR formatted network dataset.-output
The output embedding file.-out
Output the random walk trace.-threads
Number of threads used for execution. The default is 1.-walks
Number of walks starting from a single node. The default is 10.-length
The length of a random walk. The default is 80.-random
Specify the initialization method of the Metropolis-Hastings based sampler. The default is 'random'.-deepwalk
Choose the model for execution. It must be noted that metapath2vec, edge2vec, and fairwalk must operate on networks with heterogeneous information.
Model-Specific Options
Parameters for node2vec, edge2vec, and fairwalk for the second-order random walk constrain.-meta
Specify the metapath used for metapath2vec with a string of integers,01210
for example. Note that the node type number must be within the limits of the network dataset, and the string must be circular, that is, the beginning and the end must be consistent.
Embedding Training Options
The demension of embedding space. The default is 128.-cbow
Whether to use cbow (If not, uses skip-gram). The default is 0.-window
Word2vec skip window size. The default is 10.-sample
Sub-sampling size. The default is 1e-3.-negative
Negative sampling size for skip-gram. The default is 5.-iter
Training iteration. The default is 1.
The evaluation is conducted on a server with 24-core Xeon CPU and 96GB of memory. The parallelism is set to 16.
Time(s) | Deepwalk | Node2vec | Metapath2vec | Edge2vec | Fairwalk |
BlogCatalog | 0.07 | 0.20 | 0.16 | 0.29 | 0.33 |
Amazon | 1.83 | 4.71 | 3.97 | 5.91 | 6.31 |
YouTube | 13.16 | 31.34 | 22.33 | 38.23 | 43.11 |
Dataset | BlogCatalog | Amazon | YouTube |
Traininng Time(s) | 10.03 | 437.13 | 1512.99 |
The accuracy of the embedding is evaluated on BlogCatalog with multi-label node classification task. After the node embedding is acquired, we input the embedding into a classifier and utilize node labels of different proportions as training data to test the accuracy of the inference of remaining node labels.
Train Ratio | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 |
Micro-F1 | 0.346 | 0.364 | 0.375 | 0.379 | 0.379 | 0.382 | 0.396 | 0.401 | 0.399 |
Macro-F1 | 0.181 | 0.213 | 0.227 | 0.238 | 0.245 | 0.253 | 0.257 | 0.254 | 0.256 |
The definition of the new model is implemented by inheriting RWModel
class. Three interfaces must be implemented.
Note that the state is defined as a pair of two integers, where the first represents the current node index, and the second contains the extra information.
Dynamic Weight Definition
virtual float computeWeight(
State curState, EdgeIndexType nextEdgeIndex);
In this interface, the user needs to define the way to calculate the edge weight based on the state and the next edge.
State Transition
virtual State newState(
State curState, EdgeIndexType nextEdgeIndex);
The transition of states is crucial for the system, and must be implemented. We take the same state information as the last interface as the input, and calculates the next state.
State Capacity
virtual int stateNum(int vertex);
In order to determine the memory space allocated for the samplers for each node, the user needs to explicitly specify the number of states corresponding to each node, the result is returned as an integer.
After creating the model class, we need to integrate the model into the system by adding the model to rw.cpp
in RandomWalk::init()
and add a new command line argument. Take node2vec as an example, the interfaces are implemented as below.
float Node2vec::computeWeight(State curState, long long nextEdgeIndex) {
long long curEdge = this->offsets[curState.first] + curState.second;
int src = edges[curEdge];
int nextV = edges[nextEdgeIndex];
float nextW = weights[nextEdgeIndex];
if (src == nextV) {
return nextW / paramP;
} else if (graph->has_edge(src, nextV)) {
return nextW;
} else {
return nextW / paramQ;
State Node2vec::newState(State curState, long long nextEdgeIndex) {
int nextV = edges[nextEdgeIndex];
int revOffset = edges_r[nextEdgeIndex] - offsets[nextV];
State nextState;
nextState.first = nextV;
nextState.second = revOffset;
return nextState;
int Node2vec::stateNum(int vertex) {
return this->degrees[vertex];
Also, the model must be integrated into the system by adding the following code into RandomWalk::init()
Node2vec *node2vec = new Node2vec(graph, argc, argv);
model = (RWModel *)node2vec;
This project is licensed under the terms of MIT license. If the code is used, please cite as the following.
author = {Xingyu Yao and Yingxia Shao and Bin Cui and Lei Chen},
title = {UniNet: Scalable Network Representation Learning with Metropolis-Hastings Sampling},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering},
series = {ICDE '21}