Python script to download the entire NHANES dataset from the CDC website
Accompanying code for the paper Coprocessor Actor Critic: A Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach For Adaptive Brain Stimulation.
Dynamical system and calculation of sigma parameter for the publication.
LAMA - automatic model creation framework
Образовательные треки для бойцов антиэйджинга
A library for full-stack aging clocks design and benchmarking.
Lo-Hi: Practical ML Drug Discovery Benchmark paper
most pretty & lovely tables with matplotlib
Solver in the low-rank tensor train format with cross approximation approach for the multidimensional Fokker-Planck equation
Gradient-free optimization method for multivariable functions based on the low rank tensor train (TT) format and maximal-volume principle.
nablaDFT: Large-Scale Conformational Energy and Hamiltonian Prediction benchmark and dataset
GENA-LM is a transformer masked language model trained on human DNA sequence.
A neural network training framework within a task-based parallel programming paradigm
Reproduction of the paper of Levine, M. E. (2012). Modeling the Rate of Senescence: Can Estimated Biological Age Predict Mortality More Accurately Than Chronological Age? The Journals of Gerontolog…
This repo contains code and front-end part for biological age calculation by Klemera & Doubal, 2006 approach which with our carefully selected features which we find the most informative and access…
A Python-based compendium of GPU-optimized aging clocks.
PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
This is a repository for code of reprogramming meta-analysis research project
Out of distribution problem in cell reprogramming revealed.
A repository containing the code accompanying the research paper "Neuronal travelling waves explain rotational dynamics in experimental datasets and modelling" by Kuzmina E., Kriukov D., Lebedev M.
Lo-Hi Splitter for Modern Splits of Molecular Datasets
Predict Biological Age based on Lab Sample Data
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
Reminder Bot for Telegram on aiogram and sqlite3
This repo is for accumulating information of different aging related omics datasets appropriate for meta-analysis and aging clocks train.
a course work for the Computational Biology of Aging course, 2023, Skoltech