If you have CLion IDE, and you want to run OpenGL programs on it, This simple guide helps you to set up OpenGL project on CLion. Only you need have required tools and download GLUT library from here freeglut
- Create a new project from start up window of IDE. Select C++ Executable, and add project name and Create
- Download and extract
inside project's directory. After that your directory structure will look:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── freeglut
│ ├── Copying.txt
│ ├── Readme.txt
│ ├── bin
│ │ ├── freeglut.dll
│ │ └── x64
│ │ └── freeglut.dll
│ ├── include
│ │ └── GL
│ │ ├── freeglut.h
│ │ ├── freeglut_ext.h
│ │ ├── freeglut_std.h
│ │ └── glut.h
│ └── lib
│ ├── libfreeglut.a
│ ├── libfreeglut_static.a
│ └── x64
│ ├── libfreeglut.a
│ └── libfreeglut_static.a
└── main.cpp
Then configure your includes by adding line in your CMakeLists.txt
Add library for linking in CMakeLists.txt
Add library for linking in CMakeLists.txt
Link GL libraries
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} glu32 opengl32 freeglut)
Before start build / running program you need to place
file in to one of directory of your %PATH% environmental variable.Place freeglut.dll from
to your %PATH%Place freeglut.dll from
to your %PATH%
- Ensure that you have completed MinGW installation, because this completely depends on MinGW.
- If you have 32bit GCC compiler then you need to use only 32bit library and DLL's
- If your system has 64bit GCC compiler then you must use 64bit libraries otherwise you will encounter runtime error
- Place files in freeglut/include to your include/ directory
- Place files in freeglut/lib to your lib/ directory
- Place freeglut.dll from bin/ to your %PATH% path
demo branch included with freeglut library, adjust the link libraries according to your system's arch.
Press Ctrl+Shift+`
or select Git
> Branches
and select demo
branch, then build and run in your CLion.