The repository has an example python command line application framework based on click. The commandline is largely based on mkdocs commandline framework.
Clic's documentation on shell completion is here.
For bash
Add this to ~/.bashrc:
eval "$(_SBAWS_COMPLETE=bash_source sbaws)"
For zshrc
Add this to ~/.zshrc
eval "$(_SBAWS_COMPLETE=zsh_source sbaws)"
Clone the repo and run the following
pip install --use-feature=2020-resolver .
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws
Usage: sbaws [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
sbaws cli implementation
-V, --version Show the version and exit.
-q, --quiet Silence warnings
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
ec2 ec2 group
s3 s3 group
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws ec2 -h
Usage: sbaws ec2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
ec2 group
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws ec2 run-instances -h
Usage: sbaws ec2 run-instances [OPTIONS]
--image-id TEXT The ID of the AMI. An AMI ID is required to launch an
instance and must be specified here or in a launch
--instance-type TEXT The instance type. More details
--user-data TEXT The user data to make available to the instance. For
more information, see Running commands on your Linux
instance at launch (Linux) and Adding User Data
(Windows). If you are using a command line tool,
base64-encoding is performed for you, and you can load
the text from a file. Otherwise, you must provide
base64-encoded text. User data is limited to 16 KB.
--count TEXT Number of instances to launch. If a single number is
provided, it is assumed to be the minimum to launch
(defaults to 1). If a range is provided in the form
min:max then the first number is interpreted as the
minimum number of instances to launch and the second
is interpreted as the maximum number of instances to
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-123444 --instance-type c4x.large --user-data 'echo "hello world"' --count 1:5
image_id=ami-123444 instance_type=c4x.large user_data=echo "hello world", count=1:5
base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws s3 -h
Usage: sbaws s3 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
s3 group
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
ls s3 ls command
sync s3 sync command
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws s3 sync -h
Usage: sbaws s3 sync [OPTIONS] SOURCE_URI DEST_URI
s3 sync command
SOURCE_URI: Can be local path or s3 uri
DEST_URI: Can be local path or s3 uri
--acl TEXT Sets the ACL for the object when the command is performed. If
you use this parameter you must have the "s3:PutObjectAcl"
permission included in the list of actions for your IAM policy.
Only accepts values of private, public-read, public-read-write,
authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-
owner-full-control and log-delivery-write.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
(base) foo@boo aws-like-cli % sbaws s3 sync --acl public-read s3://foo/boo ./boo
s3://foo/boo ./boo acl=public-read