Has source to build various mpeg2 ts utilities.
pid_filter: Reads a ts file and will create an output ts file containing only the pids mentioned on the command line.
Usage: ./pid_filter input_ts_file out_ts_file pid1 pid2 ...
pid_nullify: Reads a ts file and will create an output ts file in which the pids mentioned on command line are nullified(i.e. converted to NULL packests).
Usage: ./pid_nullify input_ts_file out_ts_file pid1 pid2 ...
get_pid_pts_fileoffset: Reads a ts file and creates a csv with each line having following entry: pid, PTS_in_ms , byte_offset_in_file
Usage: /get_pid_pts_fileoffset input_ts_file out_csv_file
utc_to_pts_map: Creates csv of utc time and pts. Data can be received from UDP using socat as follows
Usage: socat -u udp-recv:5678,setsockopt-int=1:2:1 - | ./bin/utc_to_pts_map 2064
ts_re_time_stamp: Reads a ts file and changes the pts values of all pes present in ts such that the first pes in file has a new PTS corresponding to the one given on command line. If duration_sec parameters is specified the output ts file duration will be truncated to match the specified duration.
# Usage
# ./ts_re_time_stamp <input_ts_file> <out_ts_file> <start_pts(should correspond to first video pts of new ts)> <duration_sec(e..g 4.8, 5.75 etc)>
pid_remap: Application takes an input ts file and creates an output ts file with pids remapped as per the command line spec. It ensures the pat and pmt are also modified accordingly.
# Usage
# ./pid_remap_app <input_ts_file> <out_ts_file> <output_pmt_ptd> <remap_string(e.g. "17:100,256:481,257:492")>
# Example call
./bin/pid_remap_app master270p_514298.ts remapped_master270p_514298.ts 128 "481:256,492:257"