Tags: shauns/scss-lint
0.39.0 release = New Features * Add `BemDepth` which checks the number of BEM elements is under a specified maximum = Changes * Load configuration file from user's home directory if one exists and no other configuration file is specified or in the current working directory * Improve issue reporting instructions displayed when scss-lint crashes * Remove `XML` formatter (see the [`Checkstyle` formatter](https://github.com/Sweetchuck/scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle) for an XML-based alternative) = Bug Fixes * Fix `Indentation` to not report `@import` directives spread across multiple lines * Fix `Indentation` linter from crashing on `@else` statements with `allow_non_nested_indentation` set to `true` * Update default configuration to work with projects using the [`syck`](https://github.com/indeyets/syck) YAML parser * Fix `ColorKeyword` to not report lints for map keys with color keyword names
0.38.0 release * Change configuration loading behavior so that defining lists in a custom configuration will completely override the old list instead of adding to it * Fix `DeclarationOrder` linter to report lints for items within media queries * Add `allowed_shorthands` option for `Shorthand` linter * Add `allowed` option to `Comment` linter specifying regex of allowed multi-line comments, such as copyright notices * Fix bug where control comments could filter out lints from other files depending on scan order * Ignore `currentColor`, `inherit`, and `transparent` values in `VariableForProperty` * Add `min_properties` option to `PropertySortOrder` to allow specifying a threshold number of properties that must be present before linting occurs * Fix `PropertySortOrder` to lint sort order of nested properties * Add `one_space_or_newline` `style` option to `SpaceAfterPropertyColon` * Fix `ColorVariable` to ignore literal strings containing color keywords * Rename `scss-lint` gem to `scss_lint` to follow RubyGems [best practices for naming gems](http://guides.rubygems.org/name-your-gem/). This only affects the name you use in `Gemfile`s or when you `gem install`; everything else remains the same.
0.37.0 release * Rename `BEM` option on `SelectorFormat` to `strict_BEM` to emphasize that this is a particular dialect which may not be what developers expect * Allow `SelectorFormat` convention explanations to be customized via the `#{type}_convention_explanation` and `convention_explanation` options * Add `camel_case` and `snake_case` conventions to `NameFormat` * Remove `BEM` convention from `NameFormat`, as it didn't make sense in this context since `NameFormat` does not deal with selectors * Add support for function, mixin, or variable-specific conventions to `NameFormat` * Add support for custom convention explanations to `NameFormat`
0.36.1 release * Fix `PropertyUnits` to not error on properties with function call values * Fix `DeclarationOrder` false positives on lines of the same type of node * Fix `PropertyUnits` false positives on unicode escape sequences and string values that look like units * Add additional units to default configuration for `PropertyUnits`, including durations, frequencies, angles, and resolutions
0.36.0 release * Fix `SpaceAfterPropertyColon` to report nested properties * Add `PropertyUnits` allowing customization of which units are allowed for specific properties * Allow color literals in map declarations and the `rgba` helper function in `ColorVariable` * Gracefully handle when a library specified via `-r`/`--require` is not found and return a semantic exit code `EX_UNAVAILABLE` (`69`) * Improve message of `DeclarationOrder` to specify the line number of the out-of-order item and the line number of where it was expected to be * Return helpful error message and unsuccessful exit code when all files matched by specified glob patterns are excluded by `--exclude` flags and `exclude` configuration settings * Change exit code returned when file globs patterns did not match any files to be different from the exit code returned when a specified file does not exist
0.35.0 release * Fix `ColorVariable` to not report occurrences of `transparent` when appearing in function calls or list literals * Fix infinite loop in control comment processor when dealing with parse nodes with no children with line numbers * Change `VendorPrefix` config options `include` and `exclude` to `additional_identifers` and `excluded_identifers`, respectively * Rename `VendorPrefixes` to `VendorPrefix` * Add `animation*` properties to concentric.txt * Fix bug where attempting to lint a non-existent file would result in a crash
0.34.0 release New Features * Add `ImportantRule` linter which reports uses of `!important` in properties * Add `VariableForProperty` linter which enforces using variables for specified property values instead of literal values * Add `convention` option to `BorderZero` allowing `none` to be preferred over zero * Add `separate_groups` option to `PropertySortOrder` to specify that groups of properties should be visually separated * Add `PropertyCount` linter which reports rule sets with a large number of properties * Add `ColorVariable` linter which enforces the use of color literals in variable declarations only * Add `break-after`, `break-before`, `break-inside`, and `text-size-adjust` to list of recognized properties * Add `allow_non_nested_indentation` option to `Indentation` linter * Allow files without `.scss`/`.css` extension to be linted if they are passed explicitly (i.e. you do not specify a directory, but the file itself) Changes * Remove support for per-directory configuration and `inherit_from` from the configuration system Bug Fixes * Fix bug in `StringQuotes` where Sass script in non-silent comments would cause a crash * Fix control comments placed before `@include` blocks to apply within them * Fix crash in `PropertySortOrder` when non-existent preset sort order or otherwise invalid sort order are specified in the configuration * Fix recognition of control comments in selector comma sequences * Fix crash in `BangFormat`, `ImportantRule`, and `VendorPrefixes` when linting properties with list literals containing empty lists
0.33.0 release * Call `Kernel.exit` with status code returned by CLI in rake task (unless 0) * Allow list of files and glob patterns to be passed as task arguments to rake task * Allow custom configuration file to be specified in rake task * Fix infinite loop in `SpaceAfterComma` for arguments spanning multiple lines
0.32.0 release * Fix regression in rake task * Fix grammar of lints reported by `SelectorFormat` * Add .projections.json configuration file * Fix regression in `--require` switch that caused custom formatters to not be `require`d before they were created * Fix bug in `BangFormat` where lines without a semicolon would cause an infinite loop
0.31.0 release * Fix regression in default configuration for `QualifyingElement` so that elements with attributes, classes, or ids are disallowed by default * Fix error message for `TrailingSemicolon` where lines without a semicolon would incorrectly be reported as having a space before the semicolon * Fix `BangFormat` linter to not report lints for exclamation points in strings * Update minimum version of `sass` gem to 3.4.1 to fix a parser bug * Fix `DuplicateProperty` not reporting duplicate properties in nested rule sets * Fix `TrailingSemicolon` handling of comma-separated `@import`s * Fix `SelectorFormat` to not allow format of pseudo-selectors to be defined, as they are always hyphenated lowercase * Fix `Indentation` to not crash on `@at-root` directives with comments inside * Add support for disabling/enabling linters via inline comments * Change `IdWithExtraneousSelector` to `IdSelector` and modify behavior to always report a lint when an ID appears as part of a selector. * Fix `DuplicateProperty` to report correct name of duplicated property * Add `smacss` sort order option for `PropertySortOrder` * Add `recess` sort order option for `PropertySortOrder` * Add `allow_leading_underscore` option to `NameFormat` to allow the leading underscore convention to denote private functions * Fix `EmptyLineBetweenBlocks` to allow trailing comments after rule sets (e.g. control comments disabling linters)