Have built this SPA using Vue3 and Vue-Cli. The demo project has been hosted on Github Pages https://shauryadhadwal.github.io/aqi-app/
- Home Page with updates of most recent AQI levels per city.
- Live Chart Page with history of up to 20 records per city (configurable); Max, Min AQI levels since the time Live Chart Page was opened; Pause/Resume functionality to analyse chart.
- Comparison Page with feature to compare date of up to 5(configurable) cities simultaneously.
- Animations on route transitions and value updates.
Since Github Pages doesn't support SPA, refreshing the browser on any other path than the one mentioned above will result in a 404 error.
All decisions have been made considering that data of no more than 12 Cities' can be received, and no more than 1 websocket event per second. To enhance the application for high load, other decisions would have to me made.
Application is responsive but designed using Desktop-First approach. Would recommend to use latest version of Chrome Browser for best experience.
Area | Effort in man hours |
project setup | 15min |
deployment config | 15min |
websockets setup | 1 hour |
live graph | 4 hours |
dashboard | 2 hours |
comparison view | 3 hours |
animations | 2 hours |
Total | 12.5 hours |
Wasted time on websockets and graphing library.
Clone the repo and run the following command:
npm install
Check the .env_example file and set up the websocket connection
Websocket messages are expected to be of the following form for the application to work correctly:
[{city: "Mumbai", aqi: "150.23145"}, {city: "Delhi", aqi: "308.67312"}]
npm run serve
npm run build
Add your username to command in deploy.sh
git push -f [email protected]:<git-hub-username>/aqi-app.git
Make sure to add your ssh key in github's ssh settings page
npm run deploy