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VowLink is a Golang project inspired by ES6 promises.


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Ever tried to explain quantum physics to your cat? Well, explaining VowLink might be just as challenging! Even after completing its first version, finding the perfect words to describe this elegant solution feels like trying to catch a laser pointer dot - always just out of reach.

As a developer, I've frequently encountered the "callback pyramid of doom" - you know, that moment when your code starts looking like an ASCII art of the Egyptian pyramids. While ES6 Promises were a step in the right direction, I felt there was room for something even better in the Go ecosystem. Thus, VowLink was born - a Promise implementation that makes your Go code flow as smoothly as butter on a hot pancake.


  • Simple as pie (and just as delicious to use)
  • Zero dependencies (because sometimes less is more)
  • Full Promise API support including then(), catch(), finally(), all(), race(), any(), and allSettled() (it's like having the whole Promise family reunion!)


go get

Quick Start

Getting started with VowLink is easier than making instant noodles. Here's a taste of what it can do:


package main

import (
    vl ""

func main() {
    result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
        resolve("hello world", nil)
    }).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
        return value.(string) + " vowlink", nil
    }, nil).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
        return value.(string) + " !!", nil
    }, nil)



$ go run demo.go
hello world vowlink !!

See? That was smoother than a fresh jar of skippy!

Instead of boring you with theoretical examples that put coffee to shame, let's dive into some real-world scenarios. These practical examples will show you how VowLink can make your code dance like nobody's watching.

Core Rules


Before we jump in, here are the golden rules of VowLink - think of them as the "Ten Commandments" of Promise handling in Go.

  1. All Then, Catch, and Finally methods can return errors. Like a game of hot potato, these errors will keep bouncing through the chain until someone handles them properly (returns nil).
  2. The resolve and reject methods support both data and error returns, giving NewPromise the flexibility of a yoga master.
  3. GetValue and GetReason are terminal methods - they're like the full stop at the end of a sentence. Once called, they don't return a Promise object.
  4. While VowLink takes inspiration from JavaScript Promises, it's been tailored for Go like a bespoke suit.
  5. Don't use goroutines inside Then(), Catch(), or Finally() methods. If you need async operations, wrap the entire Promise in a goroutine - it's like putting the whole party in a separate room.

Study Cases

There are various cases in our work, and I will show you some examples. You can find the code for each case in the examples directory. For example, Case 1 is located in examples/case1.

# Case 1

Just like using if and else in our code, we often want to perform certain actions if a condition is true, and different actions if the condition is false.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// vowlink 像一个链条,你可以在链条上添加更多的 then() 来在 promise 解析后做更多的事情。
	// vowlink is like a chain, you can add more then() to the chain to do more things after the promise is resolved.
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 直接解析为 "hello world"
		// This promise is directly resolved to "hello world"
		resolve("hello world", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// In the Then method, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")

	// 从 promise 中获取值并打印
	// Get the value from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println("Resolve:", result.GetValue())

	// 这是一个被拒绝的 promise
	// This is a rejected promise
	result = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "error"
		// This promise is rejected with the reason "error"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("error"))
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被解析,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink"
		// If the promise is resolved, we append " vowlink" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink", nil
	}, func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")

	// 从 promise 中获取拒绝的原因并打印
	// Get the reason for the rejection from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println("Rejected:", result.GetReason().Error())


$ go run demo.go
Resolve: hello world vowlink !!
Rejected: rejected.

# Case 2

I prefer using JavaScript-style code in Golang. I want to use then() to perform actions after the promise is resolved and catch() to handle rejected promises.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// vowlink 像一个链条,你可以在链条上添加更多的 then() 来在 promise 解析后做更多的事情。
	// vowlink is like a chain, you can add more then() to the chain to do more things after the promise is resolved.
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 直接解析为 "hello world"
		// This promise is directly resolved to "hello world"
		resolve("hello world", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// In the Then method, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")

	// 从 promise 中获取值并打印
	// Get the value from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println("Resolve:", result.GetValue())

	// 这是一个被拒绝的 promise
	// This is a rejected promise
	result = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "error"
		// This promise is rejected with the reason "error"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("error"))
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被解析,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// If the promise is resolved, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")

	// 从 promise 中获取拒绝的原因并打印
	// Get the reason for the rejection from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println("Rejected:", result.GetReason().Error())


$ go run demo.go
Resolve: hello world vowlink !!
Rejected: rejected.

# Case 3

I want to use finally() to do something after the promise is resolved or rejected.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {

	// 输出 "========== finally 1 successfully ==========" 到控制台
	// Print "========== finally 1 successfully ==========" to the console
	fmt.Println("========== finally 1 successfully ==========")

	// vowlink 像一个链条,你可以在链条上添加更多的 then() 来在 promise 解析后做更多的事情。
	// vowlink is like a chain, you can add more then() to the chain to do more things after the promise is resolved.
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 直接解析为 "hello world"
		// This promise is directly resolved to "hello world"
		resolve("hello world", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// In the Then method, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")
	}).Finally(func() error {
		// 不论 promise 是被解析还是被拒绝,Finally 方法都会被调用,并打印 "finally 1"
		// Whether the promise is resolved or rejected, the Finally method will be called and print "finally 1"
		fmt.Println("finally 1")

		// 返回 nil 表示 Finally 方法执行成功
		// Return nil indicates that the Finally method was executed successfully
		return nil

	// 使用 Printf 函数输出 "finally 1 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" 到控制台
	// 使用 result.GetValue() 和 result.GetReason() 作为 Printf 函数的参数
	// Use the Printf function to output "finally 1 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" to the console
	// Use result.GetValue() and result.GetReason() as the parameters of the Printf function
	fmt.Printf("finally 1 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n", result.GetValue(), result.GetReason())

	// 输出 "========== finally 1 error ==========" 到控制台
	// Print "========== finally 1 error ==========" to the console
	fmt.Println("========== finally 1 error ==========")

	result = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 直接解析为 "hello world"
		// This promise is directly resolved to "hello world"
		resolve("hello world", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// In the Then method, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")
	}).Finally(func() error {
		// Finally 函数会在 Promise 完成(无论解决还是拒绝)后被调用
		// The Finally function will be called after the Promise is settled (either resolved or rejected)
		fmt.Println("finally error: 1")

		// 返回一个新的错误 "error in finally 1"
		// Return a new error "error in finally 1"
		return errors.New("error in finally 1")
	}).Then(func(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被解决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved

		// 返回解决的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return the resolved value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return data.(string) + " vowlink", nil
	}, func(reason error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected

		// 返回一个新的错误 "Handled error: " 加上原因的错误信息
		// Return a new error "Handled error: " plus the error message of the reason
		return nil, errors.New("Handled error: " + reason.Error())

	// 使用 Printf 函数输出 "finally 1 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" 到控制台
	// 使用 result.GetValue() 和 result.GetReason().Error() 作为 Printf 函数的参数
	// Use the Printf function to output "finally 1 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" to the console
	// Use result.GetValue() and result.GetReason().Error() as the parameters of the Printf function
	fmt.Printf("finally 1 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n", result.GetValue(), result.GetReason().Error())

	// 输出 "========== finally 2 successfully ==========" 到控制台
	// Print "========== finally 2 successfully ==========" to the console
	fmt.Println("========== finally 2 successfully ==========")

	// 这是一个被拒绝的 promise
	// This is a rejected promise
	result = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "error"
		// This promise is rejected with the reason "error"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("error"))
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被解析,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// If the promise is resolved, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")
	}).Finally(func() error {
		// 不论 promise 是被解析还是被拒绝,Finally 方法都会被调用,并打印 "finally 2"
		// Whether the promise is resolved or rejected, the Finally method will be called and print "finally 2"
		fmt.Println("finally 2")

		// 返回 nil 表示 Finally 方法执行成功
		// Return nil indicates that the Finally method was executed successfully
		return nil

	// 使用 Printf 函数输出 "finally 2 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" 到控制台
	// 使用 result.GetValue() 和 result.GetReason() 作为 Printf 函数的参数
	// Use the Printf function to output "finally 2 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" to the console
	// Use result.GetValue() and result.GetReason() as the parameters of the Printf function
	fmt.Printf("finally 2 is called. value: %v, error: %v\n", result.GetValue(), result.GetReason())

	// 输出 "========== finally 2 error ==========" 到控制台
	// Print "========== finally 2 error ==========" to the console
	fmt.Println("========== finally 2 error ==========")

	// 这是一个被拒绝的 promise,Finally 方法中返回了一个错误信息
	// This is a rejected promise, and an error message is returned in the Finally method
	result = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "error"
		// This promise is rejected with the reason "error"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("error"))
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被解析,我们将解析的值加上 " vowlink !!"
		// If the promise is resolved, we append " vowlink !!" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " vowlink !!", nil
	}, nil).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 如果 promise 被拒绝,我们将返回一个新的错误信息 "rejected."
		// If the promise is rejected, we return a new error message "rejected."
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.")
	}).Finally(func() error {
		// Finally 函数会在 Promise 完成(无论解决还是拒绝)后被调用
		// The Finally function will be called after the Promise is settled (either resolved or rejected)

		// 输出 "finally error: 2" 到控制台
		// Print "finally error: 2" to the console
		fmt.Println("finally error: 2")

		// 返回一个新的错误 "error in finally 2"
		// Return a new error "error in finally 2"
		return errors.New("error in finally 2")

	}).Then(func(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被���决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved

		// 返回解决的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return the resolved value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return data.(string) + " vowlink", nil
	}, func(reason error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected

		// 返回一个新的错误 "Handled error: " 加上原因的错误信息
		// Return a new error "Handled error: " plus the error message of the reason
		return nil, errors.New("Handled error: " + reason.Error())

	// 使用 Printf 函数输出 "finally 2 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" 到控制台
	// 使用 result.GetValue() 和 result.GetReason().Error() 作为 Printf 函数的参数
	// Use the Printf function to output "finally 2 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n" to the console
	// Use result.GetValue() and result.GetReason().Error() as the parameters of the Printf function
	fmt.Printf("finally 2 error, but then is called. value: %v, error: %v\n", result.GetValue(), result.GetReason().Error())


$ go run demo.go
========== finally 1 successfully ==========
finally 1
finally 1 is called. value: hello world vowlink !!, error: <nil>
========== finally 1 error ==========
finally error: 1
finally 1 error, but then is called. value: <nil>, error: Handled error: error in finally 1
========== finally 2 successfully ==========
finally 2
finally 2 is called. value: <nil>, error: rejected.
========== finally 2 error ==========
finally error: 2
finally 2 error, but then is called. value: <nil>, error: Handled error: error in finally 2

# Case 4

Yes, you can return a new promise using the then() method.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// vowlink 像一个链条,你可以在链条上添加更多的 then() 来在 promise 解析后做更多的事情。
	// vowlink is like a chain, you can add more then() to the chain to do more things after the promise is resolved.
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 promise 直接解析为 "hello world"
		// This promise is directly resolved to "hello world"
		resolve("hello world", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,我们创建一个新的 promise,将解析的值加上 " vowlink(NewPromise)"
		// In the Then method, we create a new promise, appending " vowlink(NewPromise)" to the resolved value
		return vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
			resolve(value.(string)+" vowlink(NewPromise)", nil)
		}), nil
	}, nil).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在这个 Then 方法中,我们获取前一个 promise 的值,并加上 " !!"
		// In this Then method, we get the value from the previous promise and append " !!"
		return value.(*vl.Promise).GetValue().(string) + " !!", nil
	}, nil)

	// 从 promise 中获取值并打印
	// Get the value from the promise and print it


$ go run demo.go
hello world vowlink(NewPromise) !!

# Case 5

To perform an action after all promises are resolved, you can use the all() method.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// 创建 3 个 promise
	// Create 3 promises
	p1 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第一个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The first promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 1"
		// In the Then method, append " 1" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 1", nil
	}, nil)

	p2 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第二个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The second promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 2"
		// In the Then method, append " 2" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 2", nil
	}, nil)

	p3 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第三个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The third promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 3"
		// In the Then method, append " 3" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 3", nil
	}, nil)

	// All() 将等待所有的 promise 被解析,并返回一个带有所有值的 promise
	// All() will wait for all promises to be resolved, and return a promise with all the values
	result := vl.All(p1, p2, p3)

	// 从 promise 中获取所有的值并打印
	// Get all the values from the promise and print them
	for i, str := range result.GetValue().([]interface{}) {
		fmt.Println(">>", i, str.(string))


$ go run demo.go
>> 0 Promise 1
>> 1 Promise 2
>> 2 Promise 3

# Case 6

I want to use race() to perform an action once the first promise is resolved.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// 创建 3 个 promise
	// Create 3 promises
	p1 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第一个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The first promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 1"
		// In the Then method, append " 1" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 1", nil
	}, nil)

	p2 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第二个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The second promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 2"
		// In the Then method, append " 2" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 2", nil
	}, nil)

	p3 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第三个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The third promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 3"
		// In the Then method, append " 3" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 3", nil
	}, nil)

	// Race() 将等待第一个 promise 被解析,并返回一个带有值的 promise
	// Race() will wait for the first promise to be resolved, and return a promise with the value
	result := vl.Race(p1, p2, p3)

	// 从 promise 中获取值并打印
	// Get the value from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println(">>", result.GetValue().(string))


$ go run demo.go
>> Promise 1

# Case 7

I want to use any() to perform an action once the first promise is resolved. any() is similar to race in ES6. However, any() also captures any errors from all promises and returns an AggregateError if all promises are rejected.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// 创建 3 个 promise
	// Create 3 promises
	p1 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第一个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The first promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 1"
		// In the Then method, append " 1" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 1", nil
	}, nil)

	p2 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第二个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The second promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 2"
		// In the Then method, append " 2" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 2", nil
	}, nil)

	p3 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第三个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise"
		// The third promise is directly resolved to "Promise"
		resolve("Promise", nil)
	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 在 Then 方法中,将解析的值加上 " 3"
		// In the Then method, append " 3" to the resolved value
		return value.(string) + " 3", nil
	}, nil)

	// Any() 将等待第一个 promise 被解析,并返回一个带有值的 promise
	// Any() will wait for the first promise to be resolved, and return a promise with the value
	result := vl.Any(p1, p2, p3)

	// 从 promise 中获取值并打印
	// Get the value from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println(">>", result.GetValue().(string))

	// 创建 3 个 promise
	// Create 3 promises
	p1 = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第一个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "Promise 1 rejected"
		// The first promise is rejected with the reason "Promise 1 rejected"
		reject(nil, errors.New("Promise 1 rejected"))

	p2 = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第二个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "Promise 2 rejected"
		// The second promise is rejected with the reason "Promise 2 rejected"
		reject(nil, errors.New("Promise 2 rejected"))

	p3 = vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第三个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "Promise 3 rejected"
		// The third promise is rejected with the reason "Promise 3 rejected"
		reject(nil, errors.New("Promise 3 rejected"))

	// Any() 将等待所有的 promise 被拒绝,并返回一个带有原因 `AggregateError` 的 promise
	// Any() will wait for all promises to be rejected, and return a promise with the reason `AggregateError`
	result = vl.Any(p1, p2, p3)

	// 从 promise 中获取原因并打印
	// Get the reason from the promise and print it
	fmt.Println("!!", result.GetReason().Error())


$ go run demo.go
>> Promise 1
!! All promises were rejected: Promise 1 rejected, Promise 2 rejected, Promise 3 rejected

# Case 8

To perform an action after all promises are resolved or rejected, you can use the allSettled() method.


package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// 创建 3 个 promise
	// Create 3 promises
	p1 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第一个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise 1"
		// The first promise is directly resolved to "Promise 1"
		resolve("Promise 1", nil)

	p2 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第二个 promise 被拒绝,原因是 "Promise 2 rejected"
		// The second promise is rejected with the reason "Promise 2 rejected"
		reject(nil, errors.New("Promise 2 rejected"))

	p3 := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 第三个 promise 直接解析为 "Promise 3"
		// The third promise is directly resolved to "Promise 3"
		resolve("Promise 3", nil)

	// AllSettled() 将等待所有的 promise 被解析或拒绝,并返回一个带有值的 promise
	// AllSettled() will wait for all promises to be resolved or rejected, and return a promise with the value
	result := vl.AllSettled(p1, p2, p3)

	// 从 promise 中获取所有的结果
	// Get all the results from the promise
	for i, r := range result.GetValue().([]interface{}) {
		// 如果结果是一个错误,打印错误信息
		// If the result is an error, print the error message
		if v, ok := r.(error); ok {
			fmt.Println("!!", i, v.Error())
		} else {
			// 否则,打印结果值
			// Otherwise, print the result value
			fmt.Println(">>", i, r.(string))


$ go run demo.go
>> 0 Promise 1
!! 1 Promise 2 rejected
>> 2 Promise 3

# Case 9

After creating a Promise object, you can use the reject function to trigger an error. Subsequent catch() functions will handle the previous error and return a new one, creating a chain of error calls.

package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {

	// 创建一个新的 Promise
	// Create a new Promise
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 Promise 会立即被拒绝,原因是 "rejected.100"
		// This Promise will be immediately rejected with the reason "rejected.100"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.100"))

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 1")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, err

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当上一个 Catch 函数返回错误时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the previous Catch function returns an error
		fmt.Println("> catch 2")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, errors.New("rejected.200")

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当上一个 Catch 函数返回错误时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the previous Catch function returns an error
		fmt.Println("> catch 3")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, errors.New("rejected.300")

	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被解决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved
		fmt.Println("> then 1")

		// 返回一个新的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return a new value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return fmt.Sprintf("Never be here!! recover value: %v", value), nil

	}, func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 4")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, errors.New("Should be here.")

	// 打印 Promise 被拒绝的原因
	// Print the reason the Promise was rejected
	fmt.Println("reason: ", result.GetReason())

	// 打印 Promise 的值,但是在这个例子中,Promise 会被拒绝,所以值会是 nil
	// Print the value of the Promise, but in this case, the Promise will be rejected, so the value will be nil
	fmt.Println("value: ", result.GetValue())



$ go run demo.go
> catch 1
> catch 2
> catch 3
> catch 4
reason:  Should be here.
value:  <nil>

# Case 10

After creating a Promise object, you can use the reject function to trigger an error. Each subsequent catch() function will handle the previous error and return a new one. If a catch() function successfully recovers from the error and returns a normal value (with error set to nil), all subsequent catch() functions will not be executed. Instead, the then() function will return this value.

package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {

	// 创建一个新的 Promise
	// Create a new Promise
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 Promise 会立即被拒绝,原因是 "rejected.100"
		// This Promise will be immediately rejected with the reason "rejected.100"
		reject(nil, fmt.Errorf("rejected.100"))

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 1")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, err

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当上一个 Catch 函数返回错误时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the previous Catch function returns an error
		fmt.Println("> catch 2")

		// 返回一个新的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return a new value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return "[error handled]", nil

	}).Catch(func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当上一个 Catch 函数返回错误时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the previous Catch function returns an error
		fmt.Println("> catch 3")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, errors.New("rejected.200")

	}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被解决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved
		fmt.Println("> then 1")

		// 返回一个新的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return a new value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return fmt.Sprintf("Should be here. recover value: %v", value), nil

	}, func(err error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 4")

		// 返回一个新的错误,将会被下一个 Catch 函数接收
		// Return a new error, which will be received by the next Catch function
		return nil, errors.New("Never be here!!")


	// 输出 Promise 的拒绝原因,这里一定是 "nil"
	// Print the rejection reason of the Promise, it must be "nil" here
	fmt.Println("reason: ", result.GetReason())

	// 输出 Promise 的解决��,这里一定是 "Should be here."
	// Print the resolution value of the Promise, it must be "Should be here." here
	fmt.Println("value: ", result.GetValue())



$ go run demo.go
> catch 1
> catch 2
> then 1
reason:  <nil>
value:  Should be here. recover value: [error handled]

# Case 11

After creating a Promise object, the resolve function is used to handle the normal response, but the resolved value is an error. The then() function should be used after the Promise to handle the error object and store the result as a value. Subsequent catch() functions do not respond to this error.

package main

import (

	vl ""

// 定义 main 函数
// Define the main function
func main() {

	// 创建一个新的 Promise
	// Create a new Promise
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 Promise 将继续执行,并将错误 "Something went wrong" 作为值传递给下一个 Promise
		// This Promise will continue to execute and pass the error "Something went wrong" as a value to the next Promise
		resolve(errors.New("Something went wrong"), nil)

	}).Then(func(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被解决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved
		fmt.Println("> then 1")

		// 返回错误的字符串表示形式
		// Return the string representation of the error
		return data.(error).Error(), nil

	}, func(error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 1")

		// 返回一个新的错误 "Handled error"
		// Return a new error "Handled error"
		return nil, errors.New("Handled error")

	}).Catch(func(reason error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 2")

		// 返回一个字符串,表示恢复的值
		// Return a string representing the recovered value
		return fmt.Sprintf("Recovered value: %v", reason.Error()), nil


	// 输出 Promise 的拒绝���因
	// Print the rejection reason of the Promise
	fmt.Println("reason: ", result.GetReason())

	// 输出 Promise 的解决值
	// Print the resolution value of the Promise
	fmt.Println("value: ", result.GetValue())



$ go run demo.go
> then 1
reason:  <nil>
value:  Something went wrong

# Case 12

After creating a Promise object, you can use the reject function to raise an exception. However, the reject function does not return an error, but instead returns a value. Only the then() function handles the value passed by reject, while subsequent catch() functions are skipped without any processing.

package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {

	// 创建一个新的 Promise
	// Create a new Promise
	result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
		// 这个 Promise 将继续执行,并将错误 "Something went wrong" 作为值传递给下一个 Promise
		// This Promise will continue to execute and pass the error "Something went wrong" as a value to the next Promise
		reject("Something went wrong", nil)

	}).Then(func(data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被解决时,会执行这个 Then 函数
		// This Then function will be executed when the Promise is resolved
		fmt.Println("> then 1")

		// 返回解决的值,将会被下一个 Then 函数接收
		// Return the resolved value, which will be received by the next Then function
		return data, nil

	}, func(error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 1")

		// 返回一个新的错误 "Handled error"
		// Return a new error "Handled error"
		return nil, errors.New("Handled error")

	}).Catch(func(reason error) (interface{}, error) {
		// 当 Promise 被拒绝时,会执行这个 Catch 函数
		// This Catch function will be executed when the Promise is rejected
		fmt.Println("> catch 2")

		// 返回一个字符串,表示恢复的值
		// Return a string representing the recovered value
		return fmt.Sprintf("Recovered value: %v", reason.Error()), nil


	// 输出 Promise 的拒绝原因
	// Print the rejection reason of the Promise
	fmt.Println("reason: ", result.GetReason())

	// 输出 Promise 的解决值
	// Print the resolution value of the Promise
	fmt.Println("value: ", result.GetValue())



$ go run demo.go
> then 1
reason:  <nil>
value:  Something went wrong

# Case 13

Here's how to properly handle asynchronous operations with VowLink:


Do not use goroutines (e.g., go func()) inside Then(), Catch(), or Finally() methods. If you need asynchronous execution, wrap the entire Promise as a goroutine instead.

package main

import (

	vl ""

func main() {
	// Create a channel to wait for the async operation
	done := make(chan struct{})

	// Launch the async operation
	go func() {
		result := vl.NewPromise(func(resolve func(interface{}, error), reject func(interface{}, error)) {
			// Simulate some async work
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
			resolve("Async operation completed", nil)
		}).Then(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
			fmt.Println("> Processing async result")
			return value.(string) + "!", nil
		}, nil)

		fmt.Println("Final result:", result.GetValue())

	// Wait for the async operation to complete
	fmt.Println("Main function completed")


$ go run demo.go
> Processing async result
Final result: Async operation completed!
Main function completed


VowLink is a Golang project inspired by ES6 promises.







No packages published
