Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuraccy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. It uses Sparse HIereachical MimiMizER (SHIMMER) for fast read-to-read overlaping without quadratic comparisions used in other OLC assemblers.
This code base includes code that uses SHIMMER (Sparse HIerarchical MiniMimER) for genome assembly and other related applications.
Currently, the assembly graph process is more or less identical to the approaches used in the FALCON assembler developed by Jason Chin and others in Pacific Biosciences, Inc. There are a number of other possible ways to generate contigs without a string graph but it will need some research work to make it happening. The FALCON graph module is also not very efficient as python scripts running single thread mode.
See the docker/Dockerfile
and docker/
as examples to
install from scratch within a Conda environemnt.
We do not recommend that you install the software from the source code unless you are confortable handling the required dependences for your system independently. As independent deverlopers with limit resource, we cannot provide free support for solving dependence problem of your specific system.
Instead, we can provide docker image so you can run the executables and their dependency using Docker.
Peregrine is designed to run on single compute node. It does not need a grid computing job scheduling system. It uses Pypeflow to coordinate multiple concurrent processes.
Here is the usage for
which starts the workflow for assembling a
genome from input fasta
, fastq
, fasta.gz
or fastq.gz
Usage: asm <reads.lst> <index_nchunk> <index_nproc>
<ovlp_nchunk> <ovlp_nproc>
<mapping_nchunk> <mapping_nproc>
<cns_nchunk> <cns_nproc>
[--output <output>]
[--shimmer-k <shimmer_k>]
[--shimmer-w <shimmer_w>]
[--shimmer-r <shimmer_r>]
[--shimmer-l <shimmer_l>]
[--best_n_ovlp <n_ovlp>]
[--mc_lower <mc_lower>]
[--mc_upper <mc_upper>]
[--aln_bw <aln_bw>]
[--ovlp_upper <ovlp_upper>] (-h | --help) --verison
-h --help Show this help
--version Show version
--with-consensus Generate consensus after getting the draft contigs
--with-L0-index Keep level-0 index
--output <output> Set output directory (will be created if not exist) [default: ./wd]
--shimmer-k <shimmer_k> Level 0 k-mer size [default: 16]
--shimmer-w <shimmer_w> Level 0 window size [default: 80]
--shimmer-r <shimmer_r> Reduction factore for high level SHIMMER [default: 6]
--shimmer-l <shimmer_l> number of level of shimmer used, the value should be 1 or 2 [default: 2]
--best_n_ovlp <n_ovlp> Find best n_ovlp overlap [default: 4]
--mc_lower <mc_lower> Does not cosider SHIMMER with count less than mc_low [default: 2]
--mc_upper <mc_upper> Does not cosider SHIMMER with count greater than mc_upper [default: 240]
--aln_bw <aln_bw> Max off-diagonal gap allow during overlap confirmation [default: 100]
--ovlp_upper <ovlp_upper> Ignore cluster with overlap count greater ovlp_upper [default: 120]
The first required option is reads.lst
. The reads.list
should a
path to a file that contains the list of the paths of the input sequence files.
The rest required options specify how to partition the data for different part of the pipeline and the number of the processors used for each of the step.
and <index_nproc>
control the number of "chunks" and the
number of cpu used concurrently for the initial SHIMMER index generation.
and <ovlp_nproc>
control the number of "chunks" and the
number of cpu used concurrently for generating overlap inforrmation between
reads. This part typically use the most memory and the exact size of RAM used
concurrently depends on the size of input sequence data and the index file
You can use larger number of <ovlp_nchunk>
and smaller number of
on a smaller memory mechine. For example, I was able to finish
this part using a machine with 32G RAM with ovlp_nchunk=24
If there is enough memory, for example, AWS bothe m5d.metal and r5d.12xlarge have 384G RAM, they can support running 24 to 48 cpu cores at once. However, the overlap step needs to do random access the sequence data through shared memory mapped file, it will be great to reserve some RAM to cache the sequence in memory in RAM. In our test, 48 cores does not provide significant speeding comparing to use 24 cores. Also, if there is not enough memory, you may need fast SSD or nvme drives and reduce the number or CPU core concurrently accessing the sequence data.
and <mapping_nproc>
control the partitioning and the
number of cores used for mapping the sequence reads to draft contigs for the
following consensus step.
controls the number of cpu cores used for sorting the reads to
contigs map.
and <cns_nproc>
control the partitioning and the number of
cores used for generating the consensus from draft contigs.
Here is an example running Peregrine with Docker for a Peregrin build of tag using an AWS m5d.metal or r5d.12xlarge instance. (You will need to configure the AWS instance to utilize the NVME drives and a docker environment.)
find /wd/chm13-fastq/ -name "*.fastq" | sort > chm13-seqdata.lst
docker run -it -v /wd:/wd --user $(id -u):$(id -g) cschin/peregrine: asm \
/wd/chm13-seqdata.lst 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 \
--with-consensus --shimmer-r 3 --best_n_ovlp 8 \
--output /wd/chm13-asm-r3-pg0.1.5.0
Note that the paths in the <reads.lst>
should be the full paths to the
sequuence files inside the docker container.
Peregrine Assembler and SHIMMER Genome Assembly Toolkit Copyright (c) 2019- by Jason, Chen-Shan, Chin
Peregrine Assembler and SHIMMER Genome Assembly Toolkit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see
SHIMMER genome assembly toolkit uses C library developed by Heng Li for Minimap2. See LICENSE.minimap2
See LICENSE.falcon for license for the code from FALCON