- URL : https://www.wafilife.com/
- OS : Windows
- IDE : Visual Studio Code
Scenario 1: Verify user Login with all required field and valid, invalid credentials and messages.
User Navigate To the Home Page and goto Login (লগইন / রেজিস্টার) page and Login with valid username/email
and password and also Login With invalid Credentials and verify all error message.
Testname: TC_001_Login_page.spec.js
Scenario_2: Search Favourite Writer from Writer Page and view All books and selected One of Your Favourite Book and Confirm order.
Scenario Description: User Navigate To the Home Page and goto Login (লগইন / রেজিস্টার) page and Login with valid username/email and
password.Navigate to Writer(লেখক) page Search Writer and Selcet Writter and view all books of the selected writer, select a book
from all books and view book details, confirm order by fillup the form of user details and successfully logout.
Testname: TC_002_Order_book_from_writer.spec.js
Install the dependencies and devDependencies to run the test.
- Clone (OR) Download this repo as zip folder on to your local machine
- Navigate to project's directory on terminal and run the following commands:
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/shihab0005/Wafilife_page_object_design_pattern_framework.git
Install dependencies
npm install
npx playwright install
npx playwright test
npx playwright test TC_001_Login_page.spec.js
npx playwright test TC_002_Order_book_from_writer.spec.js