开源的(Makes Your Dick Bigger)资源管理平台,看封面,搜番号,搜种子。
后端基于jFinal框架,和postgresql数据库。前端基于Material Design Lite,和jquery。
- WebRoot下文件放入java容器中运行(如:tomcat)
- 也可以下载整个项目,运行MainConfig。
- 访问目录 http://localhost:端口/kan
- 账号密码 root:root
- 资源来源站点均被屏蔽,每日自动获取资源任务需要开启代理,在配置文件中设置
需要运行sql对数据库进行初始化 (会不时更新基础数据)
- 获取最新的资源
- 管理资源,并可以自己上传资源进行管理(管理自己的资源)
- 直接获取BT(看到中意的立即下载不用再搜索)
- 为网页web版提供接口(https://github.com/justlikemaki/KanPianWeb)
- 为手机客户端提供接口(未开源)
Open source (Makes Your Dick Bigger) resource management platform, look at the cover, search mash, seeds.
Backend jFinal based framework, and postgresql database. The front-end based on Material Design Lite, and jquery.
- operation under the WebRoot files into Java containers (such as tomcat)
- can also download the whole project, MainConfig operation.
- access directory http://localhost:port/kan
- password is root:root
- resource source sites are blocked, automatic daily access to resources tasks need to be open proxy, set in the configuration file
Need to run the SQL database for initialization (will be updated from time to time based data)
- get the latest resources
- management of resources and can upload resources management (manage their resources)
- a direct access to the BT (see favorite immediately download don't have to search)
- provide web version web interface (https://github.com/justlikemaki/KanPianWeb)
- to provide mobile phone client interface (not open)