- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh
- Editor: neovim
- Application Launcher: rofi
- Music Player: spotify-player
- Font: FiraCode NerdFont
- FiraCode NerdFont for kitty and rofi.
- Lua 5.1, ImageMagick, Node.js, Yarn and Rust for neovim.
- oh my zsh and fzf for zsh.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/shikr/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
Run installation script
Usage: ./install.sh [OPTIONS...]
-p, --no-zsh-plugins Don't install zsh plugins
-S, --symlink Create symlinks instead of copying files
-d, --delete, --no-backup Don't create backup files
-i, --ignore <OPTIONS> Don't install specified files (-i zsh,rofi)
OPTIONS: kitty, neovim, rofi, spotify_player, zsh, starship
-s, --silent Don't show progress messages
-h, --help Show this help message