This is an application which will analzse the text by calling AWS Lambda Endpoint URL which has the implementation of AWS Comprehend service. This application is accessible at
Below is the image of the code
- Create EC2 Ubuntu instance.
- Login into the instance via SSH.
- Install node and git
- clone this repository
- Run
npm install
to download the dependencies - Run
node server.js
- Add new inbound to your EC2 instance to open the node server port to be accessible from anywhere.
NOTE I put PORT 3300 as my node server is listening on this port.
- Go to EC2 instance and copy IPv4 Public IP.
- Go to the browser and type {IPv4 Public IP}:3300
- Install pm2 by running
npm install -g pm2
- Set up pm2 to start the server automatically on server restart by running
pm2 start server.js
pm2 save
pm2 startup