A slow starter who loves simple algorithms.
- Vectorized Reservoir Sampling (Supplemental) (Slides)(SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Communications)
- Generalized Light Portals (Supplemental1) (Supplemental2) (Slides) (HPG 2020)
- Nonlinear Ray Tracing for Displacement and Shell Mapping (SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Track)
- A Survey on Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing (Eurographics 2021 STAR)
- An N-ary BVH Child Node Sorting Technique for Occlusion Tests (JCGT 2016)
- MBVH Child Node Sorting for Fast Occlusion Test (EGSR 2015 Experimental Ideas & Implementations Track)
- Fragmentation-Aware BVH Contraction (Technical Report)
- Direct Ray Tracing of Phong Tessellation (EGSR 2011)
- Direct Ray Tracing of Phong Tessellation (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Technical Sketches)
- Production Ray Tracing of Feature Lines (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Briefs)
- Shader Development at OLM (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 R&D in the Video Game Industry)
- An Empirical Fur Shader (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Technical Sketches)
- Laplace Transform Based Estimation (The University of Nottingham, 2008)
- Microfacet (CEDEC 2023)
- 布の可視化技術 (数理的生成手法によるCGとデジタルファブリケーション 2021)
- BVH (CEDEC 2019)
- Procedural Shading & Texturing (CEDEC 2016)