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Tags: shipko/CTFd



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Merge pull request CTFd#1391 from CTFd/mark-2.4.2

2.4.2 / 2020-05-08

**Admin Panel**
* Fix Challenge Reset in Admin Panel where Dynamic Challenges prevented resetting Challenges

* Add the `CTFd.plugins.migrations` module to allow plugins to handle migrations. Plugins should now call `CTFd.plugins.migrations.upgrade` instead of `app.db.create_all` which will allow the plugin to have database migrations.
* Make Dynamic Challenges have a cascading deletion constraint against their respective Challenge row

* Add `app.plugins_dir` object to refer to the directory where plugins are installed


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Merge pull request CTFd#1385 from CTFd/mark-2.4.1

2.4.1 / 2020-05-06

**Admin Panel**
* Fix issue where admins couldn't update the "Account Creation" email
* Fix issue where the Submissions page in the Admin Panel could not be paginated correctly

* Add `SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS` to `` with a slightly higher default `max_overflow` setting for `SQLALCHEMY_MAX_OVERFLOW`. This can be overridden with the `SQLALCHEMY_MAX_OVERFLOW` envvar
* Add `node_modules/` to `.dockerignore`


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Merge pull request CTFd#1378 from CTFd/bulk-clear-sessions

* Add function to mass clear the cached user/team attributes for all users/teams


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Mark 2.3.3 (CTFd#1316)

2.3.3 / 2020-04-12

* Re-enable the Jinja LRU Cache for **significant speedups** when returning HTML content

* `POST /api/v1/unlocks` will no longer allow duplicate unlocks to happen

**Admin Panel**
* Makes `Account Visibility` subtext clearer by explaining the `Private` setting in Config Panel

* Fixes an issue with using a theme with a purely numeric name
* Fixes issue where the scoreboard graph always said Teams regardless of mode

* Bump max log file size to 10 MB and fix log rotation
* Docker image dependencies (apk & pip) are no longer cached reducing the image size slightly


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Prevent double confirmations from happening (CTFd#1253)

* Prevents user from confirming their account twice


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This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
2.3.0 (CTFd#1248)

2.3.0 / 2020-02-17

* During setup, admins can register their email address with the CTFd LLC newsletter for news and updates
* Fix editting hints from the admin panel
* Allow admins to insert HTML code directly into the header and footer (end of body tag) of pages. This replaces and supercedes the custom CSS feature.
    * The `views.custom_css` route has been removed.
* Admins can now customize the content of outgoing emails and inject certain variables into email content.
* The `` script can now manipulate the CTFd Configs table via the `get_config` and `set_config` commands. (e.g. `python get_config ctf_theme` and `python set_config ctf_theme core`)

* Themes should now reference the `theme_header` and `theme_footer` configs instead of the `views.custom_css` endpoint to allow for user customizations. See the `base.html` file of the core theme.

* Make `ezq` functions available to `CTFd.js` under `CTFd.ui.ezq`

* Python imports sorted with `isort` and import order enforced
* Black formatter running on a majority of Python code


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This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Mark 2.2.3 (CTFd#1222)

2.2.3 / 2020-01-21

### This release includes a critical security fix for CTFd versions >= 2.0.0

All CTFd administrators are recommended to take the following steps:
1. Upgrade their installations to the latest version
2. Rotate the `SECRET_KEY` value
3. Reset the passwords for all administrator users

* This release includes a fix for a vulnerability allowing an arbitrary user to take over other accounts given their username and a CTFd instance with emails enabled

* Users will receive an email notification when their passwords are reset
* Fixed an error when users provided incorrect team join information


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This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Mark 2.2.2 (CTFd#1212)

2.2.2 / 2020-01-09

* Add jQuery, Moment, nunjucks, and Howl to window globals to make it easier for plugins to access JS modules
* Fix issue with timezone loading in config page which was preventing display of CTF times


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This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Mark 2.2.1 (CTFd#1208)

2.2.1 / 2020-01-04

* Fix issue preventing admins from creating users or teams
* Fix issue importing backups that contained empty directories