# Vim-plug
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
# Some runtimes are needed, install only those you don't have
sudo pacman -Sy icu lib32-icu nodejs npm python python-pip ruby rubygems
# Download neovim packages
pip install neovim
gem install neovim
sudo npm i -g neovim
# Some other dependencies
sudo pacman -S xsel fzf ripgrep fd the_silver_searcher prettier
yay -S universal-ctags-git
# Open neovim and tipe
:PlugInstall #and close the terminal
Key | Action |
jk or kj | Go to normal mode (from insert) |
alt + [hjkl] | Resize split |
control + [hjkl] | Navigate splits |
control + s | Save |
control + q | Save and quit |
tab | Next buffer |
shift + tab | Previous buffer |
control + b | Close buffer |
shift + < or > | Indent one level or remove it (visual) |
shift + k or j | Move selected line down or up (visual) |
Key | Action |
space + f | Fuzzy search |
space + / | Comment selected line or block |
space + n | Toggle NerdTree |
space + p | Format document with prettier |
shift + k | Function or class documentation and arg types |