Project 2 should be run just as ./proj2
; however, it is built so that it can be passed a default
shader to start in.
$ ./proj2 -h
usage: ./proj2 [<vertshader> <fragshader>]
Call `./proj2', optionally taking a default pair of vertex and fragment
shaders to render. Otherwise we just load our stack of shaders.
Our project two lets you view 4 scenes by pressing keys 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. In each scene,
the variables Ka
, Ks
, Kd
, shexp
, and bkgr color
may be manipulated interactively, in
addition to the following scene-specific variables:
- Gouraud and Phong shading on an untextured sphere
- Per-vertex texturing versus "real" texturing, with or without seam correction on a sphere textured with the UChicago seal
- Filtering modes when applying a repeated texture (
) to a plane - Bump-mapping modes (Disabled, Bump, or Parallax) on a sphere textured with the UChicago seal
Our project implements all interactons from project 1 (though in a few cases they same glitchier).
- Light can be rotated
- Models can be zoomed in and out via translation or FOV changes
- etc.