##This is a demo of MEAN (Mongo, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) stack development.## ###1. Node.js## a) Installation: NodeJS
b) npm: It is the package manager for javascript. (integrated in Node installer)
Install express by npm $ npm install express
Intall body parser $ npm install body-parser
(set npm proxy: $ npm config set proxy=
Folders a) /public: Usually as front-end folder: angularjs b) /router c) /bin d) /node_modules e) /views: templates
###2. AngularJS### a) url: https://www.angularjs.org/ b) Got to download and copy the CDS to html <script scr="...">
###3. Bootstrap### a) url: http://getbootstrap.com/
b) Go to get started and copy the ref
###4. MongoDB### a) url: www.mongodb.com - there is mooc cource on internet. b) usage: - start server: mongod - start client: mongo
- operate db:
* show dbs
* use xxdb
* db.contactlist.insert({json: 'json'});
* db.contactlist.find().pretty();
c) install it in node - $ node install mongojs