Cookable Public
Cookable is a web app for organising your Pantry while finding and exploring new recipes for everyday cooking.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
UNOHandlebars Public
Multiplayer UNO implemented on Handlebars and Socket.io
JavaScript UpdatedDec 10, 2022 -
OrWeb Public
The tool for R8 configuration generation, built with React.
project_mern_memories Public
Forked from adrianhajdin/project_mern_memoriesThis is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is ca…
JavaScript UpdatedApr 22, 2021 -
datavizproject Public
This is a US Accidents Dashboard based on React+D3 and Redux
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2021 -
uno-server Public
Forked from Halum/uno-serverJust a try to make UNO game to play with colleagues
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
testingjavascriptoffline Public
Learning Javascript through Blackjack tutorial
JavaScript UpdatedOct 17, 2018 -