Fetch recent tweets
It is a test web app which can be used to fetch 5 recent tweets. Search query can be in the form of @Twitter_Handle, #Hashtag or Keyword.
Twitter Search API has been used to retrieve the data.
###In order to use the app:
- Make sure you have a local server running on your machine.(If not, install WAMP or XAMPP).
- Place the files in www folder(in WAMP to be specific).
- Register a demo app in Twitter Apllication Management.
- Get the consumerkey, consumersecret, accesstoken and accesstokensecret.
- Edit the data.php file, and enter the above mentioned keys.
- Open your web browser, in the address bar: https://localhost/gettweets/index.html
Thats it, you're done! Enter your query in Search box, and your results will get updated every minute.
Feel free to contribute. Contact: [email protected]