Link to the platform:
An e-commerce website built using React.js with voice chat and fuzzy search, with real transactions implemented.
Originally implemented in PostgreSQL, this application has been migrated to SingleStore.
The website and the database have been completely hosted online. Use the link to run the application directly on your browser.
To run it locally, follow the steps below:
- Clone the repository. All deployment files are inlcuded (for example, .env and firebase credentials).
- The database is already initialized. In order to start from the beginning and use a different workspace, add your database credentials in the uploaded .env file and initialize the SingleStore database by running:
$ node initialize
Before running the above command, make sure to change the file name to './database_schemas/create_tables.sql' first and then to './database_schemas/load_data.sql'. In more details, change "<your_path>" in the following code section of initialize.js:
.replace(/\r\n/g, "")
.forEach(function (query) {
if (query.length > 0) {
- Open a terminal window and run the following:
$ npm install
$ npm run client-install
$ npm run dev
- A new browser window will open up with the website running in the local machine.
SingleStoreDB has been used. This application has been migrated from PostgreSQL to SingleStore. However, the authentication and OTP functionalities have been implemented using Firebase services.