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The DFS-BFS graph traversal project is built using Angular for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. It demonstrates two popular graph traversal algorithms: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). These algorithms are fundamental for exploring nodes and edges of a graph, solving a variety of computational and real-world problem


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🧭 DFS-BFS Graph Traversal

This project implements Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithms for graph traversal. The backend includes user authentication functionality with a Login and Signup page. The project currently stores user data in local storage.

🔮 Future Upgrades Await

This is just the beginning! With plans to incorporate advanced algorithms (Dijkstra's, A*) 🧠, user dashboards 📊, and mobile-friendly features 📱, we’re on the path to making this project an indispensable tool for graph lovers everywhere.

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📑 Table of Contents

  1. 🌟 Features
  2. 🛠️ Technical Stack
  3. 📝 Changelog
  4. 📂 Project Structure
  5. ⚙️ Prerequisites
  6. 🚀 How to Set Up and Run the Project
  7. 🧪 Testing Instructions
  8. 🔐 Login and Signup Pages
  9. 🖥️ How the Server Works
  10. 📊 Graph Feature
  11. 🗺️ Roadmap
  12. 🤝 Contribution Guide
  13. 👥 Our Contributors
  14. 📜 License

🌟 Features

  • 🔑 User Login and Signup system
  • 🔍 DFS and BFS graph traversal algorithms
  • 💾 Data persistence using LocalStorage
  • 🖥️ Frontend built with Angular
  • 🔧 Backend using Node.js with Express.js

🛠️ Technical Stack

Component Technology
Frontend Angular 🅰️
Backend Node.js 🟢, Express.js ⚙️
Authentication LocalStorage 🔒 (with plans to integrate OAuth 🔑)
Database LocalStorage for user data 💾 (future plans for database integration 📊)
Graph Algorithms DFS and BFS implemented for traversal 📈
Deployment Netlify configuration for frontend 🌐

📝 Changelog

Version 1.0.0 (Initial Release)

  • Implemented DFS and BFS graph traversal algorithms. 🔍
  • Added Login and Signup pages with user data stored in LocalStorage. 🔑
  • Basic project structure setup with Angular for the frontend and Node.js/Express.js for the backend. 🏗️

📂 Project Structure

.vscode/                    # Contains workspace settings for VSCode
backend/                    # Backend directory (Node.js/Express)
public/                     # Public assets like images, logos, etc.
src/                        # Angular application source code
.editorconfig               # Editor configuration for consistent coding style
.gitignore                  # Git ignore file to exclude certain files from being committed          # Code of conduct for contributors             # Guidelines for contributing to the project                   # Project documentation file
angular.json                # Angular workspace configuration
netlify.toml                # Configuration for deploying to Netlify
package-lock.json           # Locked versions of installed npm dependencies
package.json                # Project metadata and npm dependencies           # TypeScript configuration for the app
tsconfig.json               # General TypeScript configuration
tsconfig.spec.json          # TypeScript configuration for testing

⚙️ Prerequisites

Make sure you have the following installed before running the project:

  • 🟢 Node.js (v14 or above)
  • 📦 npm (comes with Node.js)
  • 🅰️ Angular CLI (globally installed)

🚀 How to Set Up and Run the Project

🛠️ Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone

🛠️ Step 2: Install Frontend Dependencies

npm install

🛠️ Step 3: Navigate to Backend Directory and Install Backend Dependencies

cd backend
npm install

🛠️ Step 4: Run the Backend Server

From the backend directory, start the backend:

node server.js

Alternatively, you can use nodemon for automatic restarts:

npm install -g nodemon
nodemon server.js

🛠️ Step 5: Start the Frontend Server

Go back to the project root (GRAPH-TRAVERSAL) and run the Angular development server:

ng serve

Your frontend will be running at http://localhost:5000 🌐.

🧪 Testing Instructions

To ensure the reliability and functionality of the project, follow these testing instructions:

Unit Testing

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd src
  2. Run the unit tests:
    ng test

End-to-End Testing

  1. Install Protractor (if not already installed):
    npm install -g protractor
  2. Start the Protractor server:
    webdriver-manager update
    webdriver-manager start
  3. Run the end-to-end tests:
    ng e2e

Manual Testing

  • After running the application, perform manual testing by interacting with the Login and Signup pages to ensure functionality.
  • Test the graph traversal features by creating graphs with various nodes and edges, checking for expected behavior.

🔐 Login and Signup Pages

  • The Signup Page allows users to register by entering a username and password, which is stored in LocalStorage.
  • The Login Page checks credentials against the data stored in LocalStorage.

🛠️ How to Access Signup Details from LocalStorage

  1. 🖱️ Right-click on the Signup page and select Inspect.
  2. 🧰 Navigate to the Application tab in the developer tools.
  3. 📂 Under Storage, expand LocalStorage.
  4. 🔍 You’ll find the stored signup details there.

🖥️ How the Server Works

The backend server, built with Node.js and Express.js, handles:

  • 🛡️ User Authentication: A basic registration and login system.
  • 🔄 Graph Traversal: Provides APIs for DFS and BFS traversals.

📊 How the Graph Feature Works

  • Input your nodes. Make sure it is in A,B,... format. Comma is necessary
  • Input your edges. Make sure it is in the [to]-[from] format. Eg: 0-1
  • Click on create custom graph button 🔵
  • See how the magic happens


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🗺️ Roadmap

Timeline Milestone Description
2024 Q4 2024 🔍 Enhanced User Authentication: Implement OAuth for third-party authentication (Google, Facebook) and improve security measures for password storage.
2025 Q1 2025 📈 Advanced Graph Algorithms: Integrate additional graph traversal algorithms (e.g., Dijkstra's and A*) and provide visualizations for different traversal methods.
Q2 2025 🖥️ User Dashboard: Develop a dashboard for users to view their traversal history and saved graphs. Enable features for users to share their graphs with others.
Q3 2025 📱 Mobile-Friendly Version: Ensure the application is responsive and works well on mobile devices. Create a mobile application version for iOS and Android.
Q4 2025 🌐 Multilingual Support: Add support for multiple languages to enhance accessibility. Enable user-selectable language options in the application settings.

🤝 Contribution Guide

We welcome contributions of all kinds—whether it’s fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation. Before you start contributing, please take a moment to review our guidelines to ensure smooth collaboration.

Getting Started

To contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Read the Contributing Guide: We’ve provided a detailed guide to help you get started with contributing. It includes all the steps you need to follow, from setting up the repository to submitting a pull request.

    👉 Check out the Contributing Guide

  2. Fork the Repository: Fork the project repository to your GitHub account, so you can make changes without affecting the original project.

  3. Make Meaningful Changes: Whether you’re adding a new feature, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, ensure that your contributions are significant and add value to the project.

  4. Write Clean Code: Follow the code style and best practices outlined in the project. Clean, readable, and well-documented code helps keep the project maintainable and easier to review.

  5. Testing: If you're adding a feature or fixing a bug, ensure you write relevant tests to maintain the integrity of the project’s functionality.

Submitting a Pull Request

Once your changes are ready, you can submit a pull request by following these steps:

  1. Commit Your Changes: Write descriptive commit messages that explain the changes you’ve made.

  2. Push to Your Fork: Push the changes to your forked repository and create a new branch for your feature or fix.

  3. Open a Pull Request: Navigate to the original repository and create a pull request, describing your changes in detail and why they are necessary.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure that your contributions align with the project’s goals and maintain a high standard. We appreciate your efforts in making this project better! 😊

For more detailed instructions, please refer to our full Contributing Guide.

Our Contributors ❤️

  • We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contribution to our project! Your efforts play a pivotal role in elevating this project to greater heights.
  • Make sure you show some love by giving ⭐ to our repository.


Stargazers ❤️

Stargazers repo roster for @sakeel-103/DFS-BFS-Graph-Travers

Forkers ❤️

Forkers repo roster for @sakeel-103/DFS-BFS-Graph-Travers


📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.

By contributing to this repository, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT License.

📬 Feel free to contribute or open issues if you find any bugs!


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Connect with Me

Feel free to connect with me on social platforms:

LinkedIn LeetCode GitHub


The DFS-BFS graph traversal project is built using Angular for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. It demonstrates two popular graph traversal algorithms: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). These algorithms are fundamental for exploring nodes and edges of a graph, solving a variety of computational and real-world problem



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