This is a personal portfolio and resume site for Shunsuke Tsuchiya, built with VitePress and deployed to GitHub Pages.
This site contains:
- Personal profile and self-introduction
- Resume and career history
- Showcase of work projects and open-source software
- List of presentations at conferences
- Technical and personal blog posts
You can view this resume site at:
- GitHub Pages:
- GitHub:
- Local files: Browse the content directly in the
- VitePress - Static site generator based on Vue
- Bun - JavaScript runtime and package manager
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD
- GitHub Pages for hosting
- Bun (v1.0.11 or later)
Clone the repository
git clone cd resume/src
Install dependencies
bun install
Start the development server
bun run docs:dev
Open your browser and visit
cd src
bun run docs:build
The built site will be available in src/docs/.vitepress/dist
This site is automatically deployed to GitHub Pages when changes are pushed to the master
branch. The deployment is handled by a GitHub Actions workflow defined in .github/workflows/deploy.yml
├── .github/ # GitHub Actions workflows and configs
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── docs/ # Content files (Markdown)
│ │ ├── .vitepress/ # VitePress configuration
│ │ ├── blog/ # Blog posts
│ │ ├── profile/ # Profile information
│ │ ├── works/ # Work projects
│ │ └── # Home page
│ ├── bun.lockb # Bun lock file
│ └── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
└── # This file