A collection of Jupyter Notebooks that:
1) LinkedIn.ipynb - Scrape Job Postings from LinkedIn
2) Job_Analysis.ipynb - Analyze scraped data
I was looking to better understand what skills where being requested of entry-level data analysts for the subscribers of my YouTube channel. I felt the best place to start was LinkedIn job postings, so this is my start at this project.
NOTICE: The use of robots or other automated means to access LinkedIn without the express permission of LinkedIn is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
More details here
IMPORTANT NOTE: LinkedIn will BLOCK you from searching if you are scraping too much data and/or you don't have permission.
Overview: This script scrapes LinkedIn job data. Using a selenium web driver for chrome it launches a headless browser and then scrapes all the relevant job details.
NOTE: LinkedIn only allows you to view 40 pages of a particular search term. Because of this you can only scrape 1000 jobs per search term
Prerequisites: Python installed and environment established with packages from requirements.txt installed.
Download your appropriate chromedriver and save it to this repository.
Create a new file called .env with your login credentials, also saved to this repository.
[email protected]
- Adjust your search criteria for what you want to search for in the .ipynb file
# Accepts a list of search keywords to analyze for
search_keywords = ['Data Analyst', 'Data Scientist', 'Data Engineer']
# Accepts one location.. if spaces in name use '%20'
search_location = "United%20States"
# only searches remote positions currently... need to update code for this to search non-remote
search_remote = "true" # filter for remote positions
# this is code to search for past 24 hours, you would have to look at the url to investigate other search periods
search_posted = "r86400" # filter for past 24 hours
- Run "All Cells" on .ipynb
a) In the log directory, a .log file is created that capture the progress of the data scraping and reports any errors
b) in the output directory, a .csv fils is created for this date.
NOTE: Script deletes any .csv files that have the same date, so as written you can only run this script once per day.
Overview: This script analyzes your csv files in the output directory
Prerequisites: Have at least one .csv file in the output folder to analyze.
- Modify code to your liking
- Run "All Cells" on this .ipynb