Install python and pip
(optional, but recommended) Install virtual environment, https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html -> For this step, make sure you create the following directory before update the bash file. For MAC Users, its bash_profile in your home directory.
mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs
Create virtual environment for your project, say dev1
mkvirtualenv dev1
Install django
pip install django
Needs git installed and set-up on your machine.
In Terminal, ensure virtual environment is activated, where you want the project,
To activate virtual environment, workon dev1
git clone [email protected]:shwetarane/student-activity.git
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
To access django-admin, use creds for superuser we just created : localhost:8000/admin/
python manage.py runserver
If encountered with error on running, install the following binaries as well :-
Also make sure, to import Django in the corresponding python & virtual environment.
import django
pip3 install pillow
pip3 install django-crispy-forms
pip install braintree
//required for Payment module
pip install matplotlib
// needed for Polls Module
pip install django-widget-tweaks
// required for UI
pip install django-filter
// to filter posts
- Student Login
- Register
- Update Information
- Username/Password Retrieval
- Student/Faculty search
- Textbook Search
- Purchase Books
- Find a Roommate
- Meal Plan
- Purchase Bus Tickets
- Sport Activities and Parties
- Election polls
- 4111 1111 1111 1111
- CVV - 123
- Date - 12/24
- username = admin; password = admin; [this is the only superuser we should keep initially]
- username = student; password = admin@123
[Note : if you have more than one user with superuser and staff privileges it might create migrations issue. So just have only one super user - will fix this issue soon]
- Please don't commit your sqlite file. Cleaned up all the users so that we can avoid few migration issue related to users mentioned above.
- Semester Plan
- Monthly Plan