Kyoto University
- Kyoto, Japan
(UTC +09:00) - shyyhs.github.io
Official implementations for (1) BlonDe: An Automatic Evaluation Metric for Document-level Machine Translation and (2) Discourse Centric Evaluation of Machine Translation with a Densely Annotated P…
The TinyLlama project is an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens.
VarunGumma / fairseq
Forked from facebookresearch/fairseqFacebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Synthesizing Graphics Programs for Scientific Figures and Sketches with TikZ
tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models.
Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
String-to-String Algorithms for Natural Language Processing
Translation models for 22 scheduled languages of India
📋 A list of open LLMs available for commercial use.
日本語マルチタスク言語理解ベンチマーク Japanese Massive Multitask Language Understanding Benchmark
The official repo of Qwen (通义千问) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.
Given a scholarly PDF, extract figures, tables, captions, and section titles.
中文LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2大模型二期项目 + 64K超长上下文模型 (Chinese LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2 LLMs with 64K long context models)
Official repository of Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes
Tools for merging pretrained large language models.
A repo for resources for our EAMT 2024 tutorial
The official project of paper "Visual Text Meets Low-level Vision: A Comprehensive Survey on Visual Text Processing"