Hello everyone 😃 , my name is Siddharth Singh. Currently, I'm in my third-year Btech Undergraduate Student. I am a keen learner and love gathering knowledge about new things, and technologies and improving my skills with every passing day. I love to connect with new people and admire everyone having a passion for learning. I have prior experience in creating Android applications using Java and Kotlin and have good knowledge in the technical field ( android development, microservices, Containerization, Kubernetes(beginner ) , java ( proficient ) , DSA, Algo, Linux, networking, CLI, Shell scripting and Go lang ). I am interested in exploring DevOps and cloud-native technologies and have a strong desire to contribute to the open-source community. I am currently exploring the DevOps with every passing day /and am eager to make meaningful contributions and level up my skills and knowledge .
- Skills: Java / Go / C++ / Linux
- 🔭 I’m exploring DevOps and cloud-native technologies.
- 🌱 I’m good at android development
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Contributions.
- 💬 Ask me about Problem-solving and DSA.