Tags: sideffect0/psycopg2
Psycopg 2.6.2 released - Fixed inconsistent state in externally closed connections (:tickets:`psycopg#263, psycopg#311, psycopg#443`). - Report the server response status on errors (such as 🎫`psycopg#281`). - Raise `!NotSupportedError` on unhandled server response status (:ticket:`psycopg#352`). - Allow overriding string adapter encoding with no connection (:ticket:`psycopg#331`). - The `~psycopg2.extras.wait_select` callback allows interrupting a long-running query in an interactive shell using :kbd:`Ctrl-C` (🎫`psycopg#333`). - Fixed `!PersistentConnectionPool` on Python 3 (:ticket:`psycopg#348`). - Fixed segfault on `repr()` of an unitialized connection (:ticket:`psycopg#361`). - Allow adapting bytes using `~psycopg2.extensions.QuotedString` on Python 3 (:ticket:`psycopg#365`). - Added support for setuptools/wheel (:ticket:`psycopg#370`). - Fix build on Windows with Python 3.5, VS 2015 (:ticket:`psycopg#380`). - Fixed `!errorcodes.lookup` initialization thread-safety (:ticket:`psycopg#382`). - Fixed `!read()` exception propagation in copy_from (:ticket:`psycopg#412`). - Fixed possible NULL TZ decref (:ticket:`psycopg#424`). - `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map updated to PostgreSQL 9.5.
Psycopg 2.6.1 released - Lists consisting of only `None` are escaped correctly (:ticket:`psycopg#285`). - Fixed deadlock in multithread programs using OpenSSL (:ticket:`psycopg#290`). - Correctly unlock the connection after error in flush (:ticket:`psycopg#294`). - Fixed ``MinTimeLoggingCursor.callproc()`` (:ticket:`psycopg#309`).
Psycopg 2.6 is now New features: - Added support for large objects larger than 2GB. Many thanks to Blake Rouse and the MAAS Team for the feature development. - Python `time` objects with a tzinfo specified and PostgreSQL :sql:`timetz` data are converted into each other (🎫`psycopg#272`). Bug fixes: - Json apapter's `!str()` returns the adapted content instead of the `!repr()` (:ticket:`psycopg#191`).
Psycopg 2.5.5 released - Named cursors used as context manager don't swallow the exception on exit (:ticket:`psycopg#262`). - `cursor.description` can be pickled (:ticket:`psycopg#265`). - Propagate read error messages in COPY FROM (:ticket:`psycopg#270`). - PostgreSQL time 24:00 is converted to Python 00:00 (:ticket:`psycopg#278`).
Psycopg 2.5.4 released - Added :sql:`jsonb` support for PostgreSQL 9.4 (🎫`psycopg#226`). - Fixed segfault if COPY statements are passed to `~cursor.execute()` instead of using the proper methods (:ticket:`psycopg#219`). - Force conversion of pool arguments to integer to avoid potentially unbounded pools (:ticket:`psycopg#220`). - Cursors :sql:`WITH HOLD` don't begin a new transaction upon move/fetch/close (🎫`psycopg#228`). - Cursors :sql:`WITH HOLD` can be used in autocommit (🎫`psycopg#229`). - `~cursor.callproc()` doesn't silently ignore an argument without a length. - Fixed memory leak with large objects (:ticket:`psycopg#256`). - Make sure the internal ``_psycopg.so`` module can be imported stand-alone (to allow modules juggling such as the one described in 🎫`psycopg#201`).
Psycopg 2.5.3 released - Work around `pip issue psycopg#1630 <https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1630>`__ making installation via ``pip -e git+url`` impossible (:ticket:`#18`). - Copy operations correctly set the `cursor.rowcount` attribute (:ticket:`psycopg#180`). - It is now possible to call `get_transaction_status()` on closed connections. - Fixed unsafe access to object names causing assertion failures in Python 3 debug builds (:ticket:`psycopg#188`). - Mark the connection closed if found broken on `poll()` (from 🎫`psycopg#192` discussion) - Fixed handling of dsn and closed attributes in connection subclasses failing to connect (from 🎫`psycopg#192` discussion). - Added arbitrary but stable order to `Range` objects, thanks to Chris Withers (:ticket:`psycopg#193`). - Avoid blocking async connections on connect (:ticket:`psycopg#194`). Thanks to Adam Petrovich for the bug report and diagnosis. - Don't segfault using poorly defined cursor subclasses which forgot to call the superclass init (:ticket:`psycopg#195`). - Mark the connection closed when a Socket connection is broken, as it happens for TCP connections instead (:ticket:`psycopg#196`). - Fixed overflow opening a lobject with an oid not fitting in a signed int (:ticket:`psycopg#203`). - Fixed handling of explicit default ``cursor_factory=None`` in `connection.cursor()` (:ticket:`psycopg#210`). - Fixed possible segfault in named cursors creation. - Fixed debug build on Windows, thanks to James Emerton.
Psycopg 2.5.2 released - Fixed segfault pickling the exception raised on connection error ticket psycopg#170. - Meaningful connection errors report a meaningful message, thanks to Alexey Borzenkov (ticket psycopg#173). - Manually creating 'lobject' with the wrong parameter doesn't segfault (ticket psycopg#187).
Psycopg 2.5.1 released - Fixed build on Solaris 10 and 11 where the round() function is already declared (ticket psycopg#146). - Fixed comparison of 'Range' with non-range objects (ticket psycopg#164). Thanks to Chris Withers for the patch. - Fixed double-free on connection dealloc (ticket psycopg#166). Thanks to Gangadharan S.A. for the report and fix suggestion.
Psycopg 2.5 released New features: - Added JSON adaptation. - Added support for PostgreSQL 9.2 range types . - 'connection' and 'cursor' objects can be used in "with" statements as context managers as specified by a recent DBAPI extension. - Added 'Diagnostics' object to get extended info from a database error. Many thanks to Matthew Woodcraft for the implementation (ticket psycopg#149). - Added 'connection.cursor_factory' attribute to customize the default object returned by 'cursor()'. - Added support for backward scrollable cursors. Thanks to Jon Nelson for the initial patch (ticket psycopg#108). - Added a simple way to customize casting of composite types into Python objects other than namedtuples. Many thanks to Ronan Dunklau and Tobias Oberstein for the feature development. - 'connection.reset()' implemented using 'DISCARD ALL' on server versions supporting it. Bug fixes: - Properly cleanup memory of broken connections (ticket psycopg#148). - Fixed bad interaction of 'setup.py' with other dependencies in Distribute projects on Python 3 (ticket psycopg#153). Other changes: - Added support for Python 3.3. - Dropped support for Python 2.4. Please use Psycopg 2.4.x if you need it. - 'errorcodes' map updated to PostgreSQL 9.2. - Dropped Zope adapter from source repository. ZPsycopgDA now has its own project at <http://github.com/psycopg/ZPsycopgDA>.
Release 2.4.6 - Fixed 'cursor()' arguments propagation in connection subclasses and overriding of the 'cursor_factory' argument. Thanks to Corry Haines for the report and the initial patch (ticket psycopg#105). - Dropped GIL release during string adaptation around a function call invoking a Python API function, which could cause interpreter crash. Thanks to Manu Cupcic for the report (ticket psycopg#110). - Close a green connection if there is an error in the callback. Maybe a harsh solution but it leaves the program responsive (ticket psycopg#113). - 'register_hstore()', 'register_composite()', 'tpc_recover()' work with RealDictConnection and Cursor (ticket psycopg#114). - Fixed broken pool for Zope and connections re-init across ZSQL methods in the same request (tickets psycopg#123, psycopg#125, psycopg#142). - connect() raises an exception instead of swallowing keyword arguments when a connection string is specified as well (ticket psycopg#131). - Discard any result produced by 'executemany()' (ticket psycopg#133). - Fixed pickling of FixedOffsetTimezone objects (ticket psycopg#135). - Release the GIL around PQgetResult calls after COPY (ticket psycopg#140). - Fixed empty strings handling in composite caster (ticket psycopg#141). - Fixed pickling of DictRow and RealDictRow objects.