Description * Technologies * Prerequisites * Installation * Usage * Questions * License
This a portfolio of all of my most recent web development work, built with React.
The following technologies were used in the development of this app:
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- NodeJS
- NPMs
- React
- Heroku
Make sure you have the following installed on your development machine:
Git - Download & Install Git
Node.js - Download & Install Node.js
Visual Studio Code - Download & Install VS Code
To demo this app via browser navigate to
To demo locally, clone the repo. Navigate to the root of the repo in command line. Run npm install to install all dependencies:
npm install
Once installed, you can start the app from the command line, as follows:
npm start
If it's running the following response should occur in your command line...
Then a browser window should automatically open. If not, navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.
A menu is available to the user (top of screen for wider screen formats, or hamburger sidebar for smaller and mobile). From there, the sections of the site can be selected and viewed.
Links to my GitHub, LinkedIN, and Instagram are fixed to the bottom of the page.
From the About section a dropdown menu is available to view a short bio via an arrow, button. Once opened it can be X'd out.
The contact form can be used to message me (I will receive and email from all form submissions).
The portfolio can be navigated from a table of contents.
For any further inquiries, please contact me via gitHub: (sihayah) or email: [email protected]
click here for more information about ISC license.