It's a trap...receiver router similar in concept to how Expressjs routes HTTP requests. Has been tested and works with SNMPv2c.
Makes use of the snmp-native package for parsing SNMP messages.
var snmprouter = require('itsnmptrap');
var trapper = new snmprouter({once: true});
trapper.use(function(trap, next) {
//only allow traps from
trapper.trap('', function(trap) {
console.log("Barracuda out queue:", trap.value);
opts: {
once: false // If true, only executes the first matching trap() callback.
// Sets the default for all trap()s.
Somewhat similar to Expressjs and it's use(). This can filter the incoming SNMP messages before getting the trap()s.
- oid can be either a string or a RegExp. If not provided uses the RegExp
If oid is a string, it must match against entire oid from the snmp message. OIDs for specific hosts can be defined by using the ipaddress@oid format. When using the ipaddress@oid format, the ip address portion can be a regex that does not make use of the @ sign.
Alternatively, RegExp can be used for matching oids.
callback(trap, next)
//next takes a boolean or no value.
//True or undefined proceeds to the next filter
//False or not calling next() stops processing the chain and will
// prevent further processing of the SNMP message.
trap = {
oid: 'oid'
,value: 'value'
,varbind: 'raw varbind provided by snmp-native'
,msg: 'entire snmp-native object of original message'
,remote: {address: 'remote ip address', port: 'remote port'}
//don't process any oids starting with 1.3
use(/1\.3/, function(trap, next) { next(false); });
//don't process any oid's with the remote ip address
use(function(trap, next) { next(trap.remote.address == ''); });
- oid is the same as use().
- opt is the same as the constructor and overrides the value given when the object instance is created.
trap(oid, callback)
trap(opt, callback)
trap(oid, opt, callback)
callback(trap) //trap is the same as the one from use().
Start listening on a port for SNMP traps
Stops the UDP socket.