Light weight library to easily use the SIKTEC KeyPad shield.
The library integrates the shield with any AVR board and enables detecting keypress (without debouncing problems) with easy to use callback definitions and code.
- Library Features
- Quick Installation
- Example Included
- Initialization of SIKTEC_Keys
- Key Codes
- Controling Sensitivity
- Assigning a Callback
- KeyEvent object
- SIKTEC_Keys Methods
- Important Notes
- Single key press and multi key combinations.
- Easy callback assignment to keys and combinations.
object with helper methods to easily interact and use the keypad.- Dynamic Enable / Disable states.
- Dynamic sensitivity setting for smooth multi-key press detection.
- Initialize pin definition and interrupt handler.
- Well documented Examples.
You can install the library through one of the following:
- Arduino library manager: Search for "SIKTEC Keys" and click install.
- Download the repositories as a ZIP file and install it on the Arduino IDE by:
Sketch -> Include library -> Add .ZIP Library.
- Download the library and include it in your project folder - Then you can Include it:
#include "{path to}\SIKTEC_Keys.h"
The example included with this library demonstrates how to declare and initialize the keypad, control the sensitivity assign callbacks and use the KeyEvent
object which is created for each keypress.
The code is well documented and should be easy to build upon and extend the functionality.
This is the full constructor which should be used if you change the shield pins. This way you can use other pins with different boards.
SIKtec::SIKTEC_Keys keypad = SIKtec::SIKTEC_Keys(
true, // combinations support enabled
latchPin, // latch pin number - default is A2
dataPin, // data pin number - default is A0
clockPin, // data pin number - default is A1
interPin // interupt pin - default is 2
For AVR board (UNO, MEGA, LEONARDO etc) when connected directly you can use the shorter constructor:
SIKtec::SIKTEC_Keys keypad = SIKtec::SIKTEC_Keys(true /* combinations support enabled */);
By default the shield has 7 keys - Keys are mapped to chars by the library;
Code | Button | More info |
'u' | Direction UP | |
'd' | Direction DOWN | |
'l' | Direction LEFT | |
'r' | Direction RIGHT | |
'm' | Direction MIDDLE | |
'L' | Button TOP LEFT | this button may also be the reset button (jumper on the back of the board) |
'R' | Button TOP RIGHT |
Any key combination may be used ex: 'ud', 'mR', 'LRm'
. Note that the key order are not important and maps to the same combination.
When multi keys combination is enabled you can and should adjust the sensitivity of the the multi keys captures - Each type of board may need slight adjustments to ensure clean captures of groups of keys. this setting is basically adjusting the time frame keys will be captured in.
//Keypad sensitivity setting [1-50 default 30]:
*A good practice will be to call it inside the setup()
By default there is no action (invoked function) when a key is pressed. To assign your custom functions use the .on()
//Register you callbacks:
keypad.on("any", &cb_any_key);
keypad.on("def", &cb_default);
keypad.on("m", &cb_middle);
keypad.on("u", &cb_up);
keypad.on("d", &cb_down);
keypad.on("l", &cb_left);
keypad.on("r", &cb_right);
keypad.on("lr", &cb_left_right);
*A good practice will be to define callbacks inside the setup()
There are two special callbacks any
and def
- any - Always executed on any key press or combination. It will be executed before a specific callback if its defined.
- def - Executed on keys or combinations that don't have their own callback assigned.
A callback must return void
and take one KeyEvent
//Example of simple callbacks declaration:
void cb_right(SIKtec::KeyEvent event)
Serial.println("Callback right fired");
void cb_left_right(SIKtec::KeyEvent event)
Serial.println("Callback left + right fired");
The KeyEvent
object is a small struct
that stores the event data and exposes some usefull methods:
- KeyEvent.multi => boolean, true if multiple keys were pressed otherwise false
- KeyEvent.none => boolean, true only if any key was pressed otherwise false
- KeyEvent.count() => size_t, return the number of keys in the combination
- KeyEvent operators [< > >= <=] => size_t, logical comparison to number of keys pressed
- | char*) => boolean, check if the keyevent is a specific key or combination
- KeyEvent == (char | char*) => boolean, same as
- KeyEvent.has(char | char*) => boolean, check if the keyevent includes a key or a combination
- KeyEvent.get(uint8_t i) => char, returns a specific key in the combination
- KeyEvent.str(i) => char*, return the key or combination as a string
- KeyEvent.add(char) => void, add a key to the combination.
- KeyEvent.merge(KeyEvent &source) => merge two KeyEvent objects.
Here is an example of the KeyEvent
void cb_any_key(SIKtec::KeyEvent event)
Serial.println(event.str()); // prints teh key combination such as "u" "md" etc
Serial.println(event.bits, BIN); // the raw bit as read from the shift register ex 0110000
Serial.println(event.none); // keys pressed or not?
Serial.println(event.multi); // key combination or not?
Serial.println("m")); // is a middle button press?
Serial.println("lr")); // is a left+middle button press?
Serial.println(event == "lr"); // exactly as the is() method.
Serial.println(event.has("m")); // combination contains a middle key? so fo middle+left this will be true.
Serial.println(event > 1); // has more than 1 key in the combination? same goes for < >= <=
Dynamically enable / disable callbacks:
Reading the keypad input programatically on demand:
SIKtec::KeyEvent key =;
Programatically invoking a specific callback:
SIKtec::KeyEvent key();
keypad.invoke("m", key); //returns true if invoked.
- Keep callbacks short and fast.
- By default
can hold up to 15 callbacks (13 user defined, 2 builtin). if you need more, you can change the defined valueSIKETC_KEYS_MAX_CALLBACKS
. - The library is implementing a delay of
for debouncing. If you need to adjust that - change the defined value ofSIKETC_KEYS_DEBOUNCE_DELAY