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Got rid of uuid package dependency
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anqif committed Nov 19, 2013
1 parent 364a601 commit ac31220
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,147 additions and 1,131 deletions.
313 changes: 156 additions & 157 deletions R/h2o-package/R/h2oWrapper.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,157 +1,156 @@
setGeneric("h2o.init", function(ip = "", port = 54321, startH2O = TRUE, silentUpgrade = FALSE, promptUpgrade = TRUE) { standardGeneric("h2o.init") })

# Install H2O R package dependencies
h2o.installDepPkgs <- function(optional = FALSE) {
myPackages = rownames(installed.packages())

# For communicating with H2O via REST API
if(!"bitops" %in% myPackages) install.packages("bitops")
if(!"RCurl" %in% myPackages) install.packages("RCurl")
if(!"rjson" %in% myPackages) install.packages("rjson")
if(!"statmod" %in% myPackages) install.packages("statmod")
if(!"uuid" %in% myPackages) install.packages("uuid")
myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod", "uuid")

# For plotting clusters in h2o.kmeans demo
if(optional) {
if(!"fpc" %in% myPackages) install.packages("fpc")
if(!"cluster" %in% myPackages) install.packages("cluster")
myReqPkgs = c(myReqPkgs, "fpc", "cluster")

# myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod", "uuid", "fpc", "cluster")
temp = lapply(myReqPkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)

# Checks H2O connection and installs H2O R package matching version on server if indicated by user
# 1) If can't connect and user doesn't want to start H2O, stop immediately
# 2) If user does want to start H2O and running locally, attempt to bring up H2O launcher
# 3) If user does want to start H2O, but running non-locally, print an error
setMethod("h2o.init", signature(ip="character", port="numeric", startH2O="logical", silentUpgrade="logical", promptUpgrade="logical"),
function(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {
myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod", "uuid")
temp = lapply(myReqPkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)

myURL = paste("http://", ip, ":", port, sep="")
if(!url.exists(myURL)) {
stop(paste("Cannot connect to H2O server. Please check that H2O is running at", myURL))
else if(ip=="localhost" || ip=="") {
print("H2O is not running yet, launching it now.")
invisible(readline("Start H2O, then hit <Return> to continue: "))
if(!url.exists(myURL)) stop("H2O failed to start, stopping execution.")
} else stop("Can only start H2O launcher if IP address is localhost")
cat("Successfully connected to", myURL, "\n")
h2o.checkPackage(myURL, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade)

return(new("H2OClient", ip = ip, port = port))

setMethod("h2o.init", signature(ip="ANY", port="ANY", startH2O="ANY", silentUpgrade="ANY", promptUpgrade="ANY"),
function(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {
if(!(missing(ip) || class(ip) == "character"))
stop(paste("ip cannot be of class", class(ip)))
if(!(missing(port) || class(port) == "numeric"))
stop(paste("port cannot be of class", class(port)))
if(!(missing(startH2O) || class(startH2O) == "logical"))
stop(paste("startH2O cannot be of class", class(startH2O)))
if(!(missing(silentUpgrade) || class(silentUpgrade) == "logical"))
stop(paste("silentUpgrade cannot be of class", class(silentUpgrade)))
if(!(missing(promptUpgrade) || class(promptUpgrade) == "logical"))
stop(paste("promptUpgrade cannot be of class", class(promptUpgrade)))
h2o.init(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade)

# Start H2O launcher GUI if installed locally from InstallBuilder executable
h2oWrapper.startLauncher <- function() {
myOS =["sysname"]

if(myOS == "Windows") verPath = paste(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "h2o", sep="/")
else verPath = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "Library/Application Support/h2o", sep="/")
myFiles = list.files(verPath)
if(length(myFiles) == 0) stop("Cannot find location of H2O launcher. Please check that your H2O installation is complete.")
# Must trim myFiles so all have format (use regexpr)!

# Get H2O with latest version number
# If latest isn't working, maybe go down list to earliest until one executes?
fileName = paste(verPath, tail(myFiles, n=1), sep="/")
myVersion = strsplit(tail(myFiles, n=1), ".txt")[[1]]
launchPath = readChar(fileName,$size)
if(is.null(launchPath) || launchPath == "")
stop(paste("No H2O launcher matching H2O version", myVersion, "found"))

cat("Launching H2O version", myVersion)
if(myOS == "Windows") {
tempPath = paste(launchPath, "windows/h2o.bat", sep="/")
if(!file.exists(tempPath)) stop(paste("Cannot open H2OLauncher.jar! Please check if it exists at", tempPath))
else {
tempPath = paste(launchPath, "Contents/MacOS/h2o", sep="/")
if(!file.exists(tempPath)) stop(paste("Cannot open H2OLauncher.jar! Please check if it exists at", tempPath))
system(paste("bash ", tempPath))

h2o.checkPackage <- function(myURL, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {

temp = postForm(paste(myURL, h2o.__PAGE_RPACKAGE, sep="/"), style = "POST")
res = fromJSON(temp)
if (!is.null(res$error))
stop(paste(myURL," returned the following error:\n", h2oWrapper.__formatError(res$error)))

H2OVersion = res$version
myFile = res$filename
serverMD5 = res$md5_hash

myPackages = rownames(installed.packages())
if("h2oRClient" %in% myPackages && packageVersion("h2oRClient") == H2OVersion)
cat("H2O R package and server version", H2OVersion, "match\n")
else if(h2o.shouldUpgrade(silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade, H2OVersion)) {
if("h2oRClient" %in% myPackages) {
cat("Removing old H2O R package version", toString(packageVersion("h2oRClient")), "\n")
cat("Downloading and installing H2O R package version", H2OVersion, "\n")
# download.file(paste(myURL, "R", myFile, sep="/"), destfile = paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"), mode = "wb")
temp = getBinaryURL(paste(myURL, "R", myFile, sep="/"))
writeBin(temp, paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))

if(as.character(serverMD5) != as.character(md5sum(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))))
warning("Mismatched MD5 hash! Check you have downloaded complete R package.")
install.packages(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"), repos = NULL, type = "source")
file.remove(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))
#cat("\nSuccess\nYou may now type 'library(h2o)' to load the R package\n\n")

# Check if user wants to install H2O R package matching version on server
# Note: silentUpgrade supercedes promptUpgrade
h2o.shouldUpgrade <- function(silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade, H2OVersion) {
if(silentUpgrade) return(TRUE)
if(promptUpgrade) {
ans = readline(paste("Do you want to install H2O R package", H2OVersion, "from the server (Y/N)? "))
temp = substr(ans, 1, 1)
if(temp == "Y" || temp == "y") return(TRUE)
else if(temp == "N" || temp == "n") return(FALSE)
else stop("Invalid answer! Please enter Y for yes or N for no")
} else return(FALSE)

h2o.__PAGE_RPACKAGE = "RPackage.json"

h2oWrapper.__formatError <- function(error, prefix=" ") {
result = ""
items = strsplit(error,"\n")[[1]];
for (i in 1:length(items))
result = paste(result, prefix, items[i], "\n", sep="")
setGeneric("h2o.init", function(ip = "", port = 54321, startH2O = TRUE, silentUpgrade = FALSE, promptUpgrade = TRUE) { standardGeneric("h2o.init") })

# Install H2O R package dependencies
h2o.installDepPkgs <- function(optional = FALSE) {
myPackages = rownames(installed.packages())

# For communicating with H2O via REST API
if(!"bitops" %in% myPackages) install.packages("bitops")
if(!"RCurl" %in% myPackages) install.packages("RCurl")
if(!"rjson" %in% myPackages) install.packages("rjson")
if(!"statmod" %in% myPackages) install.packages("statmod")
myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod")

# For plotting clusters in h2o.kmeans demo
if(optional) {
if(!"fpc" %in% myPackages) install.packages("fpc")
if(!"cluster" %in% myPackages) install.packages("cluster")
myReqPkgs = c(myReqPkgs, "fpc", "cluster")

# myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod", "fpc", "cluster")
temp = lapply(myReqPkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)

# Checks H2O connection and installs H2O R package matching version on server if indicated by user
# 1) If can't connect and user doesn't want to start H2O, stop immediately
# 2) If user does want to start H2O and running locally, attempt to bring up H2O launcher
# 3) If user does want to start H2O, but running non-locally, print an error
setMethod("h2o.init", signature(ip="character", port="numeric", startH2O="logical", silentUpgrade="logical", promptUpgrade="logical"),
function(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {
myReqPkgs = c("RCurl", "rjson", "tools", "statmod")
temp = lapply(myReqPkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)

myURL = paste("http://", ip, ":", port, sep="")
if(!url.exists(myURL)) {
stop(paste("Cannot connect to H2O server. Please check that H2O is running at", myURL))
else if(ip=="localhost" || ip=="") {
print("H2O is not running yet, launching it now.")
invisible(readline("Start H2O, then hit <Return> to continue: "))
if(!url.exists(myURL)) stop("H2O failed to start, stopping execution.")
} else stop("Can only start H2O launcher if IP address is localhost")
cat("Successfully connected to", myURL, "\n")
h2o.checkPackage(myURL, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade)

return(new("H2OClient", ip = ip, port = port))

setMethod("h2o.init", signature(ip="ANY", port="ANY", startH2O="ANY", silentUpgrade="ANY", promptUpgrade="ANY"),
function(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {
if(!(missing(ip) || class(ip) == "character"))
stop(paste("ip cannot be of class", class(ip)))
if(!(missing(port) || class(port) == "numeric"))
stop(paste("port cannot be of class", class(port)))
if(!(missing(startH2O) || class(startH2O) == "logical"))
stop(paste("startH2O cannot be of class", class(startH2O)))
if(!(missing(silentUpgrade) || class(silentUpgrade) == "logical"))
stop(paste("silentUpgrade cannot be of class", class(silentUpgrade)))
if(!(missing(promptUpgrade) || class(promptUpgrade) == "logical"))
stop(paste("promptUpgrade cannot be of class", class(promptUpgrade)))
h2o.init(ip, port, startH2O, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade)

# Start H2O launcher GUI if installed locally from InstallBuilder executable
h2oWrapper.startLauncher <- function() {
myOS =["sysname"]

if(myOS == "Windows") verPath = paste(Sys.getenv("APPDATA"), "h2o", sep="/")
else verPath = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "Library/Application Support/h2o", sep="/")
myFiles = list.files(verPath)
if(length(myFiles) == 0) stop("Cannot find location of H2O launcher. Please check that your H2O installation is complete.")
# Must trim myFiles so all have format (use regexpr)!

# Get H2O with latest version number
# If latest isn't working, maybe go down list to earliest until one executes?
fileName = paste(verPath, tail(myFiles, n=1), sep="/")
myVersion = strsplit(tail(myFiles, n=1), ".txt")[[1]]
launchPath = readChar(fileName,$size)
if(is.null(launchPath) || launchPath == "")
stop(paste("No H2O launcher matching H2O version", myVersion, "found"))

cat("Launching H2O version", myVersion)
if(myOS == "Windows") {
tempPath = paste(launchPath, "windows/h2o.bat", sep="/")
if(!file.exists(tempPath)) stop(paste("Cannot open H2OLauncher.jar! Please check if it exists at", tempPath))
else {
tempPath = paste(launchPath, "Contents/MacOS/h2o", sep="/")
if(!file.exists(tempPath)) stop(paste("Cannot open H2OLauncher.jar! Please check if it exists at", tempPath))
system(paste("bash ", tempPath))

h2o.checkPackage <- function(myURL, silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade) {

temp = postForm(paste(myURL, h2o.__PAGE_RPACKAGE, sep="/"), style = "POST")
res = fromJSON(temp)
if (!is.null(res$error))
stop(paste(myURL," returned the following error:\n", h2oWrapper.__formatError(res$error)))

H2OVersion = res$version
myFile = res$filename
serverMD5 = res$md5_hash

myPackages = rownames(installed.packages())
if("h2oRClient" %in% myPackages && packageVersion("h2oRClient") == H2OVersion)
cat("H2O R package and server version", H2OVersion, "match\n")
else if(h2o.shouldUpgrade(silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade, H2OVersion)) {
if("h2oRClient" %in% myPackages) {
cat("Removing old H2O R package version", toString(packageVersion("h2oRClient")), "\n")
cat("Downloading and installing H2O R package version", H2OVersion, "\n")
# download.file(paste(myURL, "R", myFile, sep="/"), destfile = paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"), mode = "wb")
temp = getBinaryURL(paste(myURL, "R", myFile, sep="/"))
writeBin(temp, paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))

if(as.character(serverMD5) != as.character(md5sum(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))))
warning("Mismatched MD5 hash! Check you have downloaded complete R package.")
install.packages(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"), repos = NULL, type = "source")
file.remove(paste(getwd(), myFile, sep="/"))
#cat("\nSuccess\nYou may now type 'library(h2o)' to load the R package\n\n")

# Check if user wants to install H2O R package matching version on server
# Note: silentUpgrade supercedes promptUpgrade
h2o.shouldUpgrade <- function(silentUpgrade, promptUpgrade, H2OVersion) {
if(silentUpgrade) return(TRUE)
if(promptUpgrade) {
ans = readline(paste("Do you want to install H2O R package", H2OVersion, "from the server (Y/N)? "))
temp = substr(ans, 1, 1)
if(temp == "Y" || temp == "y") return(TRUE)
else if(temp == "N" || temp == "n") return(FALSE)
else stop("Invalid answer! Please enter Y for yes or N for no")
} else return(FALSE)

h2o.__PAGE_RPACKAGE = "RPackage.json"

h2oWrapper.__formatError <- function(error, prefix=" ") {
result = ""
items = strsplit(error,"\n")[[1]];
for (i in 1:length(items))
result = paste(result, prefix, items[i], "\n", sep="")

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