Simba is a lightweight, type-safe HTTP router framework for Go that makes building REST APIs simple and enjoyable. It provides strong type safety through generics and a clean, intuitive API for handling HTTP requests.
- Type-safe routing with Go generics
- Built-in authentication support
- Middleware support
- Strong request/response typing
go get
Here's a simple example showing how to create a basic HTTP server with Simba:
package main
import (
type RequestBody struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
type ResponseBody struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
func handler(ctx context.Context, req *simba.Request[RequestBody, simba.NoParams]) (*simba.Response, error) {
// Access the request body fields
// req.Body.Age
// req.Body.Name
// Access the request cookies
// req.Cookies
// Access the request headers
// req.Headers
return &simba.Response{
Headers: map[string][]string{"My-Header": {"header-value"}},
Cookies: []*http.Cookie{{Name: "My-Cookie", Value: "cookie-value"}},
Body: ResponseBody{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s, you are %d years old", req.Body.Name, req.Body.Age),
Status: http.StatusOK, // Can be omitted, defaults to 200 if there's a body, 204 if there's no body
}, nil
func main() {
// Using simba.Default() will use the default options for logging and request validation,
// add default middleware like panic recovery and request id and add some endpoints like /health
// If you wish to build up your own router without any default middleware etc., use simba.New()
app := simba.Default()
app.Router.POST("/users", simba.JsonHandler(handler))
Handle parameters with type safety and validation support using go-playground validator:
type Params struct {
UserID string `path:"userId"`
Name string `query:"name" validate:"required"`
Age int `header:"age" validate:"required"`
Page int64 `query:"page" validate:"omitempty,min=0" default:"0"`
Size int64 `query:"size" validate:"omitempty,min=0" default:"10"`
func getUser(ctx context.Context, req *simba.Request[simba.NoBody, Params]) (*simba.Response, error) {
userID := req.Params.UserID
name := req.Params.Name
age := req.Params.Age
// ... handle the request
app.GET("/users/{userId}", simba.JsonHandler(getUser))
Simba relies on slog to handle logging. If no logger is provided slog.Default will be used.
If you use the Default or DefaultWithAuth constructors an slog logger will be injected into the request context for all requests.
To access the injected logger, use the logging.From
function the logging package.
func handler(ctx context.Context, req *simba.Request[simba.NoBody, simba.NoParams]) (*simba.Response, error) {
logger := logging.From(ctx)
logger.Info("handling request")
// ... handle the request
Customize behavior with settings:
app := simba.New(simba.Settings{
Server: simba.ServerSettings{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 9999,
Request: simba.RequestSettings{
AllowUnknownFields: enums.Allow,
LogRequestBody: enums.Enabled,
RequestIdMode: enums.AcceptFromHeader,
Logging: logging.Config{
Level: slog.LevelInfo,
Format: logging.JsonFormat,
Output: os.Stdout,
Simba provides automatic error handling with standardized JSON responses. All errors are automatically wrapped and returned in a consistent format:
"timestamp": "2024-12-04T20:28:33.852965Z",
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"path": "/api/resource",
"method": "POST",
"requestId": "40ad8bb4-215a-4748-8a7f-9e236d988c5b",
"message": "request validation failed, 1 validation error",
"validationErrors": [
"parameter": "email",
"type": "body",
"message": "'notanemail' is not a valid email address"
Simba supports middleware. Simply create a function that takes a handler and returns a handler and register it with the Use
method on the router:
func myMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Set("X-Middleware", "123") // Here we simply add a header to every request
next.ServeHTTP(w, r) // And the proceed to the next handler
Simba provides built-in support for authentication:
type User struct {
ID string
Name string
func authFunc(r *http.Request) (*User, error) {
// Your authentication logic here, either be it a database lookup or any other authentication method
return &User{ID: "123", Name: "John"}, nil
// This handler will only be called if the user is authenticated and the user is available as one of the function parameters
func getUser(ctx context.Context, req *simba.Request[simba.NoBody, simba.NoParams], user *User) (*simba.Response, error) {
// ... handle the request
app := simba.DefaultAuthWith(authFunc)
app.GET("/users/{userId}", simba.AuthJsonHandler(getUser))
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
All dependencies are under their respective licenses, which can be found in their repositories via the go.mod file.