This tool allows automatic generation of a Heroku Connect mappings definition from querying a Salesforce Org.
The tool creates a complete mapping of all Salesforce Objects that are replicatable using Heroku Connect and has existing rows in them.
As part of the process a local cache of the Salesforce Metadata is created on disk to allow rappid reruns.
In order to generate valid mapping json files, you need to update the base_mapping.json
file and put in your Org details. The easiest way to obtain the information is to create a single mapping in Heroku Connect, export it, and extract the relevant information from that mapping.
To build the tool run the following commands:
npm install
npm run build
The generate the mappings file for your Salesforce Org run:
npm run sf2hc
The tool leverages an API user and expects a .credentials.json file to exist in the working directory with the following content:
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"token": "<API token>"