clicktocall-rails Public
Forked from TwilioDevEd/clicktocall-railsCode examples for the DevEd Click-to-call walkthrough.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
material-ui Public
Forked from mui/material-uiReact components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
react-redux-realworld-example-app Public
Forked from gothinkster/react-redux-realworld-example-appExemplary real world application built with React + Redux
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 15, 2019 -
slate Public
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 9, 2018 -
rocktumbler Public
A Ruby gem to format and polish your Gemfile.
omniauth-facebook Public
Forked from simi/omniauth-facebookFacebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
Ruby UpdatedFeb 28, 2016 -
heroku-buildpack-ruby Public
Forked from heroku/heroku-buildpack-rubyHeroku's Ruby Buildpack for Cedar
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2015 -
website Public
Forked from kotay/websiteThe tryshoppe.com website repository
Ruby UpdatedDec 5, 2013 -
ie_phone_numbers Public
A Ruby library for validating and formatting Irish phone numbers. Heavily influenced by the uk_phone_numbers gem from GoCardless.
UpdatedSep 2, 2013 -
adaptivelab.github.com Public
Forked from adaptivelab/adaptivelab.github.comAdaptive Lab's Pages
Ruby UpdatedJun 24, 2013 -
jekyll-haml Public
Forked from samvincent/jekyll-hamlHAML html converter for Jekyll
mercury-rails Public
Forked from jejacks0n/mercury-railsMercury Editor is a Coffeescript and jQuery based WYSIWYG editor
Ruby Other UpdatedMay 7, 2013 -
has_moderated Public
Forked from mrbrdo/has_moderatedRails 3.x gem for moderating ActiveRecord models (like posts, attributes...).
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2012 -
github Public
Forked from piotrmurach/githubRuby interface to github API v3
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2012 -
pathways Public
Forked from mintdigital/pathwaysPathways Ruby Gem - Find out the common pathways within your Rails app.
ranked-model Public
Forked from brendon/ranked-modelAn acts_as_sortable replacement built for Rails 3
simonreed.info Public
This is the repo for simonreed.info, it's a simple ruby portfolio site using Toto and deployed using heroku.
html5demos Public
Forked from remy/html5demosCollection of hacks and demos showing capability of HTML5 apps