This is a set of Nunjucks macros to help in the building UK Government digital service prototypes using version 6.3.0 of the prototype kit.
NB. The macro definitions have been updated and are intentionally the same as the GOV.UK Design System macros for interoperability.
The GOV.UK Prototype Kit provides a simple way to make interactive prototypes that look like pages on GOV.UK. These prototypes can be used to show ideas to people you work with, and to do user research.
Read the project principles.
Nunjucks is a fully featured templating engine for JavaScript.
The macro
feature allows you to define reusable chunks of content. It is similar to a function in a programming language. Here's an example:
Define the macro:
{% macro input(params) %}
<input type="{{ params.type | default('text') }}" name="{{ }}" value="{{ params.value | escape }}">
{% endmacro %}
Now input
is available to be called like a normal function:
{{ input(type: 'text', name: 'username') }}
Which results in the following HTML:
<input type="text" name="username" value="">
Download this project and copy the components
folder in the views
folder in the prototype kit, for example:
- Prototype root folder
- app
- assets
- models
- views
- components
- includes
- index.html
- layout.html
- config.js
- filters.js
- routes.js
Reference the macros in the layout.html
file, just below the {% extends "govuk_template.html" %}
block. For example:
{% from "./components/back-link/macro.njk" import govukBackLink %}
{% from "./components/breadcrumbs/macro.njk" import govukBreadcrumbs %}
{% from "./components/button/macro.njk" import govukButton %}
{% from "./components/checkboxes/macro.njk" import govukCheckboxes %}
{% from "./components/date-input/macro.njk" import govukDateInput %}
{% from "./components/details/macro.njk" import govukDetails %}
{% from "./components/error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
{% from "./components/error-summary/macro.njk" import govukErrorSummary %}
{% from "./components/fieldset/macro.njk" import govukFieldset %}
{% from "./components/file-upload/macro.njk" import govukFileUpload %}
{% from "./components/footer/macro.njk" import govukFooter %}
{% from "./components/header/macro.njk" import govukHeader %}
{% from "./components/hint/macro.njk" import govukHint %}
{% from "./components/input/macro.njk" import govukInput %}
{% from "./components/inset-text/macro.njk" import govukInsetText %}
{% from "./components/label/macro.njk" import govukLabel %}
{% from "./components/panel/macro.njk" import govukPanel %}
{% from "./components/phase-banner/macro.njk" import govukPhaseBanner %}
{% from "./components/radios/macro.njk" import govukRadios %}
{% from "./components/select/macro.njk" import govukSelect %}
{% from "./components/skip-link/macro.njk" import govukSkipLink %}
{% from "./components/table/macro.njk" import govukTable %}
{% from "./components/tabs/macro.njk" import govukTabs %}
{% from "./components/tag/macro.njk" import govukTag %}
{% from "./components/textarea/macro.njk" import govukTextarea %}
{% from "./components/warning-text/macro.njk" import govukWarningText %}
Reference the layout.html
file in your view file, for example:
{% extends "./layout.html" %}
Merge the assets
folder in the assets
folder in the prototype kit, for example:
- Prototype root folder
- app
- assets
- images
- javascripts
- sass
- models
- views
- config.js
- filters.js
- routes.js
Reference the JavaScript files in the includes/scripts.html
file in the prototype, for example:
<script src="/public/javascripts/components/tabs.js"></script>
Reference the SASS
in the application.scss
, for example:
@import 'components/tabs';
You're now free to use the macros, for example:
{{ govukDateInput({
id: "date-of-birth",
name: "date_of_birth",
fieldset: {
legend: {
text: "Date of birth"
hint: {
text: "For example, 31 3 1980"
items": [
name: "day"
name: "month"
name: "year"
}) }}
This repository is maintained by Simon Whatley. If you’ve got a question or need support you can:
- Email [email protected] putting the repository name in the subject line.
- View known issues on GitHub.
If you’ve got an idea or suggestion you can:
- Email [email protected] putting the repository name in the subject line.
- Create a GitHub issue.
- Nunjucks language for Atom
- GOV.UK Nunjucks snippets for Atom
- Nunjucks language for Sublime Text
- GOV.UK Nunjucks snippets for Sublime Text
Unless otherwise stated, this codebase is released under the MIT License. This covers both the codebase and any sample code in the documentation.