A node package that watches a MySQL database and runs callbacks on matched events.
electron electron-vue 代理工具 抓包工具 网络功能工具 anyproxy
A fully configurable http/https proxy in NodeJS
Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers. Join our Discord:
A node meteor package that watches a MySQL database and runs callbacks on matched events.
debugging proxy for web developers base on NodeJS
Pure JavaScript library for converting Hanzi to Pinyin.
Lightweight copy to clipboard for the web
Be the best website visualization builder with Vue and Electron.
heipidage / Mojo-Webqq
Forked from hexsum/Mojo-Webqq使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的smartqq/webqq客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
✨ 使用Node监视支付宝订单,即时通知服务器以实现免签约支付接口
XPay个人免签收款支付系统 完全免费 资金直接到达本人账号 支持 支付宝 微信 QQ 云闪付 无需备案 无需签约 无需挂机监控APP 无需插件 无需第三方支付SDK 无需营业执照身份证 只需收款码 搞定支付流程 现已支持移动端支付
A simple app that demonstrates spawning an Express app from Electron