Parse Maplestory Map.wz files to extract important information about all elements (objects, npcs, background etc...)
This is a Python script that parses XML files and extracts specific information from them. Specifically, it looks for string elements in the XML file and outputs information based on the element's name and attributes.
- XML File Parser
- XML File Comparer
Diff: (XML File Comparer)
In this script, the file compare button is used generate a unified diff of the two files and display it in the output text box of the GUI.
The diff is displayed with the filename at the top of the output, followed by the differences between the two files.
The added and deleted lines are indicated with a + and - respectively, and the modified lines are indicated with both symbols.
The context lines are displayed with a space at the beginning of the line.
(Use the packed executable located in the dist folder)
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Install PyInstaller
- `pip install pyinstaller`
- Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you cloned this repo.
- Compile the code using PyInstaller
- `pyinstaller --onefile`
- This command will create a single executable file in the dist directory.
This script requires the following Python packages:
- tkinter for the GUI
- xml.etree.ElementTree for parsing the XML files
Some possible improvements to this script include:
- Adding more options for output formatting (e.g. JSON, CSV)
- Allowing the user to specify which elements they want to extract
- Adding error handling for invalid XML files
- Add a XML Formatting button
This script is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
This script was created by Limbs. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me on discord .limbs