I'm building WeWrite App which aims to become "GitHub for Thought."
GitHub for just regular writings, where your notes are version-controlled.
Similar to how you can sponsor a GitHub project, each page on WeWrite has a floating Donation Bar
Read about all of our main features here!
Please become a supporter today so we can accelerate development! https://opencollective.com/wewrite-app
Why not just put a bunch of .MD files into GitHub? Because I want WeWrite to be for normies. Apple Notes has no onboarding. Setting up Obsidian by itself is incredibly clunky. Add to that the complexity of putting it up on GitHub. Not user-friendly at all. It needs to be easy for grandma.
Also Markdown sucks. If someone has to learn a new language (albeit a simple markup language with simple rules) to use your thing, it sucks. Keep it simple.