G-Earth extension interface for Python.
G-Earth + G-Python allows you to create simple scripts for Habbo and run them on the fly!
Requires python >= 3.5: https://www.python.org/downloads/
Note: during Windows installation, make sure to select "Add python to PATH" if you want to install G-Python extensions in G-Earth
Then execute the following in a terminal:
python -m pip install g-python
G-Python exports the following modules:
from g_python.gextension import Extension
from g_python.hmessage import Direction, HMessage
from g_python.hpacket import HPacket
from g_python import hparsers
from g_python import htools
- At any point where a
is required, aname
can be used as well, if G-Earth is connected to Harble API - "hparsers" contains a load of useful parsers
- "htools" contains fully prepared environments for accessing your Inventory, Room Furniture, and Room Users
Examples are available in the tests/
folder. (highly recommended to check out, since it contains functionality not shown underneath)
This is a template extension with the minimal amount of code to connect with G-Earth:
import sys
from g_python.gextension import Extension
extension_info = {
"title": "Extension stuff",
"description": "g_python test",
"version": "1.0",
"author": "sirjonasxx"
ext = Extension(extension_info, sys.argv) # sys.argv are the commandline arguments, for example ['-p', '9092'] (G-Earth's extensions port)
It is possible to register for events:
ext.on_event('double_click', lambda: print('Extension has been clicked'))
ext.on_event('init', lambda: print('Initialized with g-earth'))
ext.on_event('connection_start', lambda: print('Connection started'))
ext.on_event('connection_end', lambda: print('Connection ended'))
Packet injection:
# sending packets to the server
ext.send_to_server(HPacket('RoomUserAction', 1)) # wave using harble api name
ext.send_to_server(HPacket(1843, 1)) # wave using header Id
ext.send_to_server(HPacket('623058bd68a68267114aa8d1ee15b597', 1)) # wave using harble api hash
# sending packets from raw text:
ext.send_to_client(HPacket.from_string('[0][0][0][6][5][131][0][0][0][0]', ext))
# string methods:
packet = HPacket(1231, "hi", 5, "old", False, True, "lol")
expression = packet.g_expression(ext) # G-Earth's predicted expression
g_string = packet.g_string(ext) # G-Earth's string representation
Intercepting packets:
# intercept & print all packets
def all_packets(message):
packet = message.packet
ext.intercept(Direction.TO_CLIENT, all_packets)
ext.intercept(Direction.TO_SERVER, all_packets)
# intercept & parse specific packets
def on_walk(message):
(x, y) = message.packet.read('ii')
print("Walking to x:{}, y={}".format(x, y))
def on_speech(message):
(text, color, index) = message.packet.read('sii')
message.is_blocked = (text == 'blocked') # block packet if speech equals "blocked"
print("User said: {}".format(text))
ext.intercept(Direction.TO_SERVER, on_walk, 'RoomUserWalk')
ext.intercept(Direction.TO_SERVER, on_speech, 'RoomUserTalk')
There is much more, such as:
- packet manipulation
- specific settings to be given to an Extension object
: example intests/user_profile.py