- Australia
- www.sirrob01.com
United Nations Codes for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE) and Country Codes
Pre-built Blender 2.79 as a python 3.5 module bpy.
A minetest mod that lets you boil milk and age curd into cheese.
Adds a machine to juice fruits and veggies in Minetest
Dungeon crawling / building game using the Minetest engine
SoPoCoder / realterrain
Forked from bobombolo/realterraina minetest mod for importing elevation and landcover rasters as world maps
Minetest Mod: Character creator (Voxelands inspiration)
WorldPainter is an interactive graphical map generator for the indie game Minecraft.
Forked banners mod (from abandoned repo: https://github.com/shamoanjac/banners-mod)